Your Lazy Sunday Reading List

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Struggling to find intellectually challenging content to read?

Why do all the work when I can do it for you?

Every Sunday (mostly) I compile list of articles (or a product) that I've found interesting in some way.


Which are the 10 Most Powerful Crypto-Exchanges of 2018?

The Search For Satoshi. CIA Doesn’t Deny Nakamoto Files

Crypto Candle: $45 roll of the dice? Just remember 1/100 is a winner and 99/100 are big fat losers.

Inside the Crypto World’s Biggest Scandal

Star Wars Ship Aerodynamics

Flaming Condoms from Gaza Newest Threat to Southern Israel: "Sorry babe, I don't have any protection tonight. I need it to fight Israel." This sort of reminds me of

Americas Millennials are Waking Up to A Grim Financial Future: Don't think their generation is worse off then their parent's generation? Then you might be living in one of the well off economic bubbles of the country in the US.

100 Best You Tube Videos of All-time

Could Multiple Personality Disorder Explain Life the Universe and Everything

