DISCLAIMER: I do not support either of the big political parties in the USA, they are two-parts of the same fascist machine...
You know .. there is this thing called objective truth, as opposed to regurgitated misrepresentation. Yes, Al Gore is part of the establishment .. tobacco growing privileged southerners, and ya... maybe there is still room for debate on climate change (I do not think so .. like most learn-ed folk), and it's all irrelevant anyhow, because the planet is ultimately doomed and we must get off it.
There is one thing that can not be denied however, Al Gore, before entering the White House, was a great proponent of Internet, and related technology, and a MAJOR reason Internet was opened up for public use, far sooner than it would have otherwise. He championed and supported numerous bills which indeed brought about the Internet we know and love today (and can not exist without).
The interview in which he obviously suffered a slip plays a very great disservice to all that he did do. We should all be held accountable, be open to criticism, but attacks that have nothing to do with REALITY, do not serve anyone .. it just takes us all further down a hole from which there is no escape.
You're spot on, @kurtbeil
Al Gore does deserve significant credit for the internet that we have today.