Stefan Molyneux was for a very long time, one I followed and listened to.
I admired him for his FreeDomainRadio. The first crack in my view of him came, when it took him longer to accept Bitcoin then me, the second time was when I saw him treat a flat earther badly on a show. There are other topics where I disagree on him, but they where less important to me.
Today when I am convinced about that the earth is flat and #notaglobe then I have dismissed Stefan Molyneux as the best (alive) philosopher in the world of today, simply because he cannot grasp the reality of the place we live.
When I saw the beginning of his "stand up" show, I was thinking: "what a buffoon" and I cant take him serious anymore. I almost get disgusted looking as his face now.
So here is my question to Sefan Moleneux: How is this possible:
FLAT EARTH ADDICT 05 - 121,000 feet Little Piggy Cam High Altitude Balloon Flight
on this (blue marble):
Don't need Stefan to tell you how your video evidence doesn't prove the earth is flat. Your proffered evidence supports the theory that the earth is round in itself. If the earth was flat, the camera would have been able to see all ends of the planet from its positions, lands in the extreme distance simply would have been of lesser detail. The fact that the video exhibits a horizon ( a point beyond which you see no more land) proves an existence of curvature which supports the theory of a round planet more so than a flat one. Expanding beyond your evidence; a simple telescopic analysis proves the earth is round and spins on an axis. Viewed from poles, the skies seem to travel in a circular pattern whereas a view from the equator exhibits a horizontal pattern

If your dismissal of one man's pursuit of philosophy and truth is determined by his agreement with you upon a single issue, you're not even attempting to be philosophical. Much like you attempt to prove an entire theory by showing one perspective, your dismissal of Stefan as a whole screams of blind faith.
Not to mention the fact that the video he links as his "evidence" is just 4 minutes out of what is a 2 hours long video if you look up the source.
Here is the video that Lasse's is taken from. In the first part, sure it looks flat due to lens distortion. But oooops, then it suddenly looks down and you can see the curvature beautifully :)
If he was actually looking for the truth he would have linked the original video, and not just a small part of it that looks flat. (Although even in Lasse's video, there is a part in the middle where it curves upwards ^^ )
Maybe, I don't know him. Just don't copy paste the same long comment on his posts over and over. It is spam and not good for the conversation.
Well you don't seem disturbed at all...
You do realize that fraud must be proven, right? Simply asserting it in an emphatic manner and attaching conspiratorial terms proves nothing other than the likelihood of your blind attachment to the idea you espouse.
Yes, heads are spherical... much like our planet ;)