Once you come into contact with the information that there is an organized system ruling the world, a sad tendency of people that I have noticed is to twist that truth to fit their worldview.
Somehow the group of people they don't like are the ones leading the conspiracy and their own group is the poor victim that can do no wrong.
Muslims love to blame the jews
Masons and protestants love to blame catholics
Jews love to blame muslims
White identitarians love to blame immigrants
Immigrants love to blame the ''white power structure''
In my view, the control structure at it's highest level is neither of all of the above mentioned groups, but has their men in the positions of power in each of the groups.
The power structure thrives mainly on the divide and conquer, sad to see that they seem to be succeeding even with the people that are supposedly aware of it and opposing it.
Very sad scenario keeping in mind Europe's history of intolerance and hatred.
Coming from an "artificial Intelligence media monitoring company", and considering that Zionists will label one an anti-semite for just speaking out against Isreal's aparthied regime, the numbers are, likely, highly inflated.
Some people do love to confuse zionism for judaism, though, and I'm no friend of zionism.
By the way, Zionism was just the way for the power structure to secularize judaism, just like they have done later on in the 19th century with christianity and are now doing with islam.
You can add to that the fact that zionism is only allied with one part of the power structure which I've come to believe has two heads.
The other one that is often ignored by people focusing primarly on zionism is Grand Orient Freemasonry that seems to be allied with the Vatican, while the Grand Mother Lodge in England seems that have created and taken Zionism under it's wing.
That's just as far as I can theorize from the research that I have done so far.
I can recommend the following book :
Scarlett and the Beast, by Jon Daniels (available in Free Pdf with a google search).
Personally I am not in favor neither of zionism nor Arab nationalism. The best thing for the Middle East would be economic integration based on freedom of movement for goods, services, capital and individuals.
Once you come into contact with the information that there is an organized system ruling the world, a sad tendency of people that I have noticed is to twist that truth to fit their worldview.
Somehow the group of people they don't like are the ones leading the conspiracy and their own group is the poor victim that can do no wrong.
Muslims love to blame the jews
Masons and protestants love to blame catholics
Jews love to blame muslims
White identitarians love to blame immigrants
Immigrants love to blame the ''white power structure''
In my view, the control structure at it's highest level is neither of all of the above mentioned groups, but has their men in the positions of power in each of the groups.
The power structure thrives mainly on the divide and conquer, sad to see that they seem to be succeeding even with the people that are supposedly aware of it and opposing it.
Yes the sad thing is when people end up with conspiracist, culturist and collectivist world views and blame games.
Coming from an "artificial Intelligence media monitoring company", and considering that Zionists will label one an anti-semite for just speaking out against Isreal's aparthied regime, the numbers are, likely, highly inflated.
Some people do love to confuse zionism for judaism, though, and I'm no friend of zionism.
By the way, Zionism was just the way for the power structure to secularize judaism, just like they have done later on in the 19th century with christianity and are now doing with islam.
You can add to that the fact that zionism is only allied with one part of the power structure which I've come to believe has two heads.
The other one that is often ignored by people focusing primarly on zionism is Grand Orient Freemasonry that seems to be allied with the Vatican, while the Grand Mother Lodge in England seems that have created and taken Zionism under it's wing.
That's just as far as I can theorize from the research that I have done so far.
I can recommend the following book :
Scarlett and the Beast, by Jon Daniels (available in Free Pdf with a google search).
Personally I am not in favor neither of zionism nor Arab nationalism. The best thing for the Middle East would be economic integration based on freedom of movement for goods, services, capital and individuals.