After having no article last week due to technical issues we are back, so lets dive in and see what has made the papers this week. As always I recommend reading all articles, watching all videos and listening to all podcasts as we will only be covering a few of them here.
Monday's edition
Tuesday's edition
Wednesday's edition
Thursday's edition
Friday's edition
First up from Monday's edition is this article coming from 21st Century Wire written by Vanessa Beeley:
False Flag Fail: How Syrian Civilians Derailed White Helmet ‘Chemical’ Stunt in Eastern Ghouta
”“On the 6th of March, in Hamouriya, we decided to protest against Failaq Al Rahman and we raised the Syrian flag. We marched against the terrorist occupation. They (Failaq Al Rahman) and the White Helmets were preparing a chemical attack which they intended to blame on the Syrian Arab Army as they closed in on the militants. They were furious with us for our march and for raising the Syrian flag, because it ruined their plans” ~ Ibrahim Omar Toumeh, resident of Hamouriya, 45 years old.”
In this article Vanessa Beeley interviews Syrian civilians from East Ghouta which had been under NATO and Israeli supported terrorist control until liberated by the Syrian Army, with more and more evidence piling on top of the mountain of evidence already accumulated that exposes the terrorist propaganda outfit the White Helmets it is quite shocking that the war criminal governments of the West and the parasitical corporate media still try to portray these terrorists as a humanitarian rescue group.
Next article from Monday's edition comes from the UK Column by David Scott:
”One of the problems is that the corruption is not generally using money as its primary currency. The thing that I’ve had to get my head around is that the corruption uses children as its primary currency.
From the point of view of the corrupt, money costs money. If you bribe someone, well, you can rent them for a while, but you don’t own them. But if you’ve got them on a tape with a child, you own them. They will do anything that you tell them to.”
This article is a transcript of a speech given at the Fresh Start Foundation roadshow in Kirkcaldy, Fife, on Saturday 26 May 2018. Discussing the evil that is at the centre of politics today, the main thing that keeps the corrupt disgusting politicians in line so that they do whatever their masters tell them to do. In order to understand how politics works in this day and age you must understand what drives it.
Next up from Monday's edition is the always brilliant Sunday Wire coming from 21st Century Wire:
Episode #239 – ‘The Beast from East’ with Basil Valentine and guest Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer and author of best-seller Esoteric Hollywood for an incisive psychological look at America’s obsession with existential enemies and geopolitical foes throughout its modern history, most notably the all pervasive “Russian Threat!” which dominates US and European political discourse at present. In the third and final segment, Basil will catch up with Patrick Henningsen and remember the 10 year anniversary of the passing of the late great George Carlin as they play one of his great retrospective performances which proves just how far ahead of the curve this great American treasure really was. And this and more. Enjoy the show...””This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as special guest-host Basil Valentine fills in for Patrick Henningsen who is on the road this week, covering all the top stories in the US, Europe and Internationally. In the first hour, Basil surfs the rough and tumble of this past week’s headlines, including Trump’s apparent escapades and unilateral #MAGA global trade war and going at loggerheads with the ‘international order’, and what is to become of the US and Britain’s much-celebrated ‘special relationship’, as well as the latest scandals and celebrations from the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Later in second hour we’ll connect with special guest, deep politics & cultural analyst
And lastly from Monday's edition is the always great Boiler Room coming from the Alternate Current Radio Network:
Maryland Newspaper Shooting & Pea-brain Neanderthal Cyborg Crabs – Boiler Room #170
”Join ACR host & producer, Hesher, along side Spore & Randy J, for this episode of Boiler Room. So dawn your Social Rejects Club battle jackets, turn it up and sink in for another journey through the splendid secretions of the Independent Media with the Boiler Room on ACR.
Hesher, Spore and Randy J convene for this meeting of the ACR brain-trust to discuss the news of a shooting at a Maryland Newspaper, fake news in the mainstream media and the cult of science-ism is examined after discussing why scientists would want to grow Neanderthal brains to be merged with robotics. Its a strange one folks! Enjoy the show.”
Moving onto Tuesday's edition the first article comes from the Unz Review by Philip Giraldi:
”A recent story illustrates just how horrible the Israelis can be without any pushback whatsoever coming from Washington...The particularly horrible recent account that I am referring to describes how fanatical Jewish settlers burned alive a Palestinian family on the West Bank, including a baby, and then celebrated the deaths while taunting the victims’ surviving family when they subsequently appeared in court. ”
A good article by Giraldi highlighting how the American media and the American government ignore crimes when they are committed by the racist supremacist terrorists that currently occupy land that they have stolen from the Palestinians, all while pointing their fingers at other countries and screaming about human rights at anyone that does not go along with their geopolitical agendas and war crimes.
Next one from Tuesday's edition comes from Global Research by Dr. Elias Akleh:
History and Biblical Scholarship: Al-Quds Is Not Jerusalem
”'Jewish people' have no connection at all to ancient Israelites, and their history is just an invented myth...Jews have no origin in Palestine whatsoever and therefore their act of so-called ‘return’ to their ‘Promised land’ must be realized as invasion executed by a tribal-ideological clan...The science of archaeology clearly shows that Jews have no roots in Palestine. Palestine was never ancient Israel, and Palestinian al-Quds was never Jewish Jerusalem.”
A very good article highlighting the myths, propaganda and outright lies which the racist supremacist terrorists that occupy Palestine, Western war criminals and the parasitical corporate media and their presstitutes would have you believe. In order to understand the world in which we all find ourselves it is important to understand the lies of our history, especially those lies that you are not allowed to question.
Now onto Wednesday's edition the first comes from the American Herald Tribune written by Caitlin Johnstone:
That Time Hillary Clinton Removed John Bolton’s Favorite Terror Cult From The Terrorist List
”Let’s get real. The two-headed one-party system has found yet another way to undermine humanity, and Trump is just as much a part of it as his predecessors. Look at the whole truth, so you can fight the whole machine. Half-truths are the same as lies.”
Very good article pointing out the stupidity of those who still think their team, be it the red one or the blue one, are in any meaningful way different, those people who still fall for the nonsense coming from their chosen political puppet at this stage in the game are probably beyond help.
Next up from Wednesday's edition is an interview with Vanessa Beeley by The Mind Renewed:
Syria and the White Helmets: Vanessa Beeley Talks to The Mind Renewed
”We are joined by the independent journalist, photographer and peace activist Vanessa Beeley, for an in-depth interview on the war in Syria and the so-called "Syria Civil Defence" (a.k.a The White Helmets).
Vanessa, who has braved several fact-finding trips to Syria in the last few years, works to defend the sovereignty of nations against foreign intervention and interference, and promotes the self-determination of their peoples. She is frequently published at 21st Century Wire and Mint Press News and was a finalist for one of the most prestigious journalism awards – the 2017 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism – whose winners have included Robert Parry, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Nick Davies and the Bureau for Investigative Journalism team.”
Now to Thursday's edition, first article comes from RT by Vanessa Beeley:
‘Dehumanized, discounted, marginalized’: Syria’s victors defying airbrushed US narrative
”There is a history of CIA interventions in Syria stretching back into the last century. If any of these history-rewriters actually bothered to read history they might find it rich in source material but it goes against the grain to consider historical fact when their version of “history” depends upon it being relegated to conspiracy theorism.”
Another excellent article by Beeley discussing how history is written by the victors which means that the war criminals and propagandists in the West and Israel who have been trying to destroy Syria are scrambling to invent more lies to cover up their embarrassing failures as the Heroic Syrian Army along with their allies have pretty much destroyed the West/Israel's terrorists.
Next article from Thursday's edition comes from Caitlin Johnstone:
”When the baby is old enough, they send it to school, where it spends twelve years being taught lies about how the world works so that one day it will be able to watch CNN and say “Yes, this makes perfect sense” instead of “This is ridiculous” or “Why does this whole entire thing seem completely fake?” or “I want to punch Chris Cuomo in the throat.”
Caitlin Johnstone brings us this very good article showing how people who's minds are chained to the propaganda and lies that emanate from corporate media and war criminal governments are basically just babies that remain as confused and clueless as the day that they were born.
Now lets have a look at Friday's edition first article comes from Mint Press News by Randi Nord:
US-Saudis Launch Terror Attack on Wedding Killing and Wounding 22 in Yemen
”The US-backed Saudi-led coalition has launched yet another terror attack on yet another Yemeni wedding...Rescuers are still working on retrieving bodies from the rubble. The majority of the victims appear to be children — many are very young under five.”
With the war criminal governments in the West still supporting the slaughter of the Yemeni people we have the Wahhabi head chopping nutcases murdering more innocent men, women and children at another wedding while the corporate media and their presstitutes continues to ignore their crimes.
Lastly from Friday's edition comes another episode of the fantastic Boiler Room by the Alternate Current Radio Network:
Independence Day Special – Boiler Room #171
”Join ACR host & producer, Hesher, along side Spore & Randy J, for this 4th of July holiday episode of Boiler Room. So don those Social Reject patched in flak jackets, full power to the shields, turn on the neon trigger warning sign, sit back with the Boiler Room on ACR and enjoy the show.
Hesher, Spore and Randy J convene for this meeting of the ACR brain-trust for a holiday episode celebrating the 4th of July. Randy brings the spotlight to Major General Smedley Darlington Butler as our historical patriot, Spore opens the show with the story of a 16 year old that was assaulted in a San Antonia Whataburger for wearing a MAGA hat and Hesh and Randy break down the dismal state of housing in California’s Bay Area.”
I leave you with a video from each edition:
GAZA MEDIA BLACKOUT: Israeli forces shoot 13 yr old child in the head
Saudi Arabia's US/UK Backed War against Women and Children in Yemen
UK Column News - 3rd July 2018
FBI Foils Own Manufactured Terror Event, Unaccountable Government & A Revolution ... Of The Mind
8 Great Myths That Keep America Running
Where you can find me:
Thanks :)