Banksters Have Captured Our Criminal Justice System

in #news7 years ago

Did you ever question why it's illegal in most states to sell a joint to someone, yet it's legal for Big Pharma to sell millions of opioid pills to a town that only has 6,000 people - causing countless deaths and destroyed lives? Do you question why it's illegal to "camp" on your own property for more than two weeks, yet the U.S. military is camped out in 70% of the world's nations with over 900 bases around the globe? ...The answer is because the oligarchs and corporate banksters have captured our justice system. It is now designed to enforce their stranglehold on society.
Click to watch my segment on this. The facts will shock you.

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when you control the money supply, you control everything

You don't have a justice system anymore (and haven't had one for quite some time). You have a Justice Industry.

But what will happen as a result of this growing injustice ? At what point will people actually get angry about it ? Only time will tell.

The other reason why it is becoming illegal for you to give items directly to the homeless, is that it negatively impacts the profits of the charity industry complex. How will Oxfam employees afford their underage prostitutes if you remove the middle man ?

Fracking as a virus infecting the earth. Great analogy.

Epic intro Lee. You made me laugh and shake my head in dismay and disgust almost at the same time.

Thank you!!

The banksters control the U.S. government and every other government.

You should interview lawyer Helen Chaitman who successfully led a private prosecution of Bernie Madoff who ripped $64 billion off investors.
This criminal activity was actively facilitated by J.P.Morgan. Helen chronicles this in forensic detail in her book JP Madoff. See the website that goes with the book it is mindboggling the extent of JPMorgan's criminality.
I interviewed Helen Chaitman for an article I wrote in 2016 about the world's fifth largest bank. Please find an excerpt below that says it all:

''Has criminal activity become the modus operandi of the too big to fail banks?
Of course it has. 20 of the largest banks conspired to fix LIBOR; several of the largest banks conspired to fix the foreign exchange rates; the banks routinely violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; Jamie Dimon himself committed securities fraud with respect to the London Whale. The banks have proven that they will violate any law so long as they can make money by doing so.''

The real meaning of Justice should be Equality.

I've been working on a Nestlé venn, but have only gotten as far as these two shadow ties. Will let you know when the main venn is complete!

Mankind has stopped actively bettering society and have started finding new ways to keep us consuming. And Finding new ways to charge us for things that were thought to be expected.

'get out of the warmth and shelter of that car, can't you see there is a street readily available for sleeping' said the los angeles city council-person, not attempting in any fashion to contain their brutal attitude or blatant ego (much less their vitriolic hatred of those in dire circumstance). and here i was taught that the west coast was the best coast. lies.

They didn't capture it. It was never ours to begin with.

The judge sits on a bench a governs the flow of currency for the banks.
Understand the aquatic analogy and understand the actual reality.

And to hire a lawyer means to place yourself as a ward of the court. You are insane, of not sound mind. And they can do with you whatever they please.

It was never our system.

What banking system?... It is fascist money scammers bubble system.

This is a great subject. It is obvious how us people get played more and nore as time goes on. The topic needs to be, What do we do about this? So much that happens to the common man is out of control. Drug war, war, racism, it goes on and on. How do we get together to stop it? We are the majority in numbers, they are rhe majority with money. So difficult when we are so dumbed down. Great post!

The Fall of The Roman Empire is a great read for the American Elite! Let hope it’s not to late Lee

I would say plutocrats captured and control everything.Check out this:

Who needs to buy a criminal justice system when you already have one of your own? ...Unless you like, collect them I guess.

I'm not an expert on politics, but I like to think, said that I would like to explain my thoughts such as on voting, when somebody votes they are totally convinced that they have a say on what is going to happen within their society, well in that case let me if you don't mind to criticize that way of thinking for a very simple reason first of all, when a politician promises whatever he or she is not obliged by law to realize what was promised when in elections? and secondly when in power neither are they obliged to execute what was promised by law?....................p.s. So what is law and who does it serve? that is the question !!