The Mueller Indictments Are A Joke & Dangerous To Press Freedom

in #news7 years ago

The Mueller indictments are a ridiculous joke. I can't believe more people aren't talking about this. Look, I don't like Trump. I think he's the worst - but that doesn't mean the recent Mueller indictments make sense. In fact, they're the most pathetic show of our government grasping at straws since the WMD report that "justified" the death of a million Iraqis. (And Robert Mueller was involved in that as well.) There is A LOT the corporate media is not telling you about these 13 indictments - and the legal argument is very dangerous for freedom of press and freedom of speech.
Here are the details -

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I think he claims in the indictment could have been made before the Mueller investigation even started.

But the bottom line is Mueller will never need to prove them in court, because none of those 13 indicted will ever stand trial in the USA.

In that sense it is cost free propaganda for Mueller and his team.

The American ruling class is divided like never before due to the unprecedented economic, social and political crises that it faces.
An empire in decline is always very ugly. The infighting between the different wings of the ruling class should hearten those of us who believe that what is needed in America is a new third party based upon the millions who want an end to the untramelled rule of the 1% that is destroying the country and the entire world for that matter.

If 13 trolls can alter your election, maybe the election is the problem? Lol

They were obviously really really really really good trolls.

It's a total sham on the American people. Nowhere in the Corporate Media does anyone actually discuss the details of the indictments because anyone with half a brain would throw some major side eye if they heard how absurd the charges are. And on top of it all, there's no allegation that any activities even impacted the election!

The whole charade is like a showman waving a paper in the air claiming that it shows proof of aliens, drawing a crowd and keeping the onlookers so distracted by all his talk about the dramatic implications that nobody ever bothers to look at the paper to discover it's just his eviction notice.

Its about a much BIGGER PICTURE, Lee - this will lead to 'voter fraud'
And...then expose the fact that we've NEVER ACTUALLY 'VOTED'


Russia poor bloody Russia ,it wasn’t Russia that pushed me to vote ‘leave’ in the brexit referendum it was the American President ,if he had not threatened the British people weeks before I believe the Outcome would have been much closer.

So glad you joined Steemit @Leecamp
I was one of the people who kept suggestion it on YouTube comments, hope I helped! Time to end Facebook's and YouTube dictatorship, oh yeah!!!!20171125_013550.jpg

@leecamp looks at the MSM so we don't have to. I've been meaning to check out the story, seriously, it's next on my list. :) Thanks for your work.

Lee, it is obvious they are trying to steal your comedy show. They are much bigger jokers, @leecamp

I can't believe more people aren't talking about this
what ARE they talking about?.

I dont know that anyone can fairly attribute these indictments to political motives, and not just people doing the job they were asked to do. I read the indictments, and it seems to me that the laws exist and evidence that the laws were broken exist. Whether or not the laws are just is not a concern to investigators. That's the legislature's job.

That said, is it ridiculous that under US law, a citizen is legally allowed to distribute propaganda that would be considered fraud if used sell a retail product, but illegal for a foreigner to do the same thing? Yeah, it is.

The wire fraud charges, on the other hand, seemed to me to be legitimate.

What I find really interesting, is how Wikipedia seems to have such detailed information on this 'organisation' and a complete establishment backed conclusion...Not even a disputed page, just 100% fact. Well, this organisation also links back to Crowdstrike, an anti-Russian pro Ukranian outfit that also links directly back to the DNC and Clinton Foundation.

I want to know when there will be a 2nd investigation into the FBI and their handling of the initial investigation, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS etc... Stinks to high heavens.... Now CNN is caught with their pants down after everyone sees the contrived nature of David Hogg and his FBI daddy..