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RE: Nazis are taking over Europe, Again!

in #news8 years ago

Its all in tbe interests of facists parties with a nationalist message that terrorism from foreigners continues. The more this happens the more popular they get.


Yes, I bet the shadow forces pulling the strings from behind want exactly that, they are done with liberalism/socialism, and now they want nationalism.

It's all about controlling power more and more, and a nationalist ideology is much harsher and much more authoritarian than any leftist policy so far.

It's one thing that the left was violent in the 20th century but if you add nationalism to it, then it becomes horrible. Just like how the Soviet Union became nationalistic under Stalin and was more globalist under Lenin. The same thing will happen to Europe.

We joke and ironize now about the EU being planned and constructed by Nazis, but when actual nazis take control of it to a 100% then it will be hell on earth. Hitler could only drool on the tyranny that the EU is imposing on citizens of Europe. The privacy invading tools would have been well utilized by the SS and the Gestapo, imagine them getting these tools.