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RE: "Great" Moments In Sexism & Gun Control – Men Are Toxic; Give Mom Your Guns, Sonny

in #news7 years ago

Just to be clear, I totally agree with you.

"It's not just a minority of feminists,"

To restate: I'm not saying it's a minority of feminists (they all ascribe to the same cancerous and bigoted ideology of hatred), I'm saying a minority of WOMEN (and men) are involved in this horseshit. Because, from everything I can see, that part is true.

HuffPo Feminists.png

Note this line in my post:

"Welcome to 2017 – where we have met the enemy, and it is...a shrill, lunatic fringe minority of SJW feminists."

It's a sad truth rarely talked about how the identity politics movement hijacks the identities of individuals such as yourself to further their own controlling ends, usually to the detriment of those they claim to be protecting.