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RE: KILL THE BOER? An account of farm torture and murder in South Africa

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Hi, thank you for posting this. I've been meaning to re-steem it for a few days now but am just getting to it. Your post deserves a lot more attention and eyeballs on it.

I really feel for your friend in South Africa (along with all the others who are going through this living hell).

The world - especially the mainstream media outlets and their presstitutes - are completely ignoring and turning a blind eye to this genocide and tragedy largely because it doesn't fit their narrative that whites can't be victimized. What hypocritical double-standards these sub-par humans hold. Absolutely disgusting.

What a horrible state of humanity we are in. And with these atrocities being committed by these soul-less and heart-less black South Africans is beyond any normal, compassionate human being's understanding. They are the most reprehensible creatures on this planet and honestly don't deserve to be given the gift of life from God, as they have no respect or value for life itself. They will, one day, meet their creator who will send them to burn in the fires of hell with the other demons in that place.

I really hope your friend gets out of this, as she seems to be one tough and courageous girl. I can definitely sense a spirit of a true survivor in her.

Please let her know that many people are thinking about her and want to help to get the word out. I am in China now but am originally from Canada.

May our dear Lord protect and bless her every hour of every day.

With my warmest thoughts and prayers,