Every Statist Health Care Talking Point Rebutted!

in #news8 years ago

From Senator Cornyn's Facebook Video. Senator Cornyn is one of my two senators in Texas, his video pleads to his constituency that we can't possible repeal ObamaCare:

The Choice
Right now we have a choice: to continue the Obamacare status quo or to deliver on our promise with better care.

My immediate thoughts: Repeal it.

Republicans have won many elections promising you would. Republicans have passed REPEAL legislation over 50 times in the past 7 years knowing good and well that President Obama wouldn't sign it. Now it's time to get rid of it.

But Liberty Lover, you must personally benefit from a Repeal? What's in it for you?

We all benefit from getting the government out of health care. I'm unaffected but cool assertion that I'd only want a repeal for selfish reasons.

Everyone is affected by health care. To think otherwise is to delude yourself!

I'm active duty in the military, take care of my body, monitor what goes into it and am responsible for my life choices. Keep trying.

The moral argument is to get the government out of health care. In 5-10 years when I get sick, I want to be able to Skype with a physician through an app, get a prescription from the nearest CVS, and have it delivered by UberMeds that evening.

Government bureaucracy limits innovation and cost cutting initiatives. It's why even poor people can afford flat screen tvs and smart phones these days (but not health care).

It's why breast augmentation and lasik surgery has ONLY GOTTEN CHEAPER, while the quality has only gotten BETTER. Hint: it's not regulated by government.

So you're taken care of, just screw the rest of us, huh?

Repealing this governmental monstrosity is best for my children, my family, my friends and my countrymen. So I guess there is THAT bit of selfishness in me. Also, I see you haven't learned your lesson from the last time we let Goverment run more things we depend on. So I'm doing it because I care for you, too, even if you haven't learned yet. You're welcome.

Well, are you going to choose not to use the VA for your health care after you get out of the military because it is government run?

When I know prices, I'm able to choose to go pay cash at a local clinic instead of wasting 13 days of my life waiting for the VA (because my time is money).

There's corruption in Big Government, feel free to talk to people on the inside.

AHA! The hypocrisy of you being in the military and getting socialize health care and not wanting us to have it! Checkm8, lolbertarian!

Because we see the effects! The government can't even take care of veterans (An extremely tiny cross-section of Americans). But you think they can get it right for everyone?

You're obviously not active duty so I'll open the curtains so you can see government-led healthcare.

I get ibuprofen. For EVERYTHING.

I waited over two years to get a full-thickness tear (front and back) in my labrum fixed.

I'm so blessed! I wouldn't wish it on you.

Individualism means taking care of yourself and being responsible for your own actions.

It's not moral to steal from everyone in order to take care of your body. You do it.

Well, the VA outperforms the private sector by far...but you will not hear that on your corporate media channel. Look at this RAND Report: Quality of Care in VA Health System Compares Well to Other Health Settings!

From your own report:

"The RAND study found there was too little information related to timeliness, equity, efficiency and patient-centeredness to reliably draw conclusions about how the VA system compared to others across these dimensions. "

That article talks about quality, i.e. 'When we finally get around to cutting you open, it's a good cut'.

I don't disagree. My shoulder surgery went well. But that's because I was referred out to a civilian provider which some would say 'is of same quality as other civilian providers'.

So, No. VA does no 'outperform private sector by far'. That would be an inaccurate assertion.

But if 20 million people are kicked off healthcare and have to go back to using the ER as their primary care, your healthcare costs will go up. So have fun with that.

First off, we've written about this 20 million people will die claim. Taking talking points from politicians (and parroting them over and over) makes you a "Useful Idiot". There's also a great video you should watch if you haven't already:

More specifically, what do you think would happen with 20 million uninsured?

Let the free market work. If 20 million people get kicked, are you telling me companies wouldn't be jumping all over to profit from these people who need coverage? They could all be covered before lunch the next day. 20 million citizens is an amazing market share that any company would want a slice of!

Do all 20 million expect to be in the emergency room for primary care before then? No.

The bigger issue here is the assumption that government is our only solution out of this. When government creates problems, the answer can't be more government.

Unlike boob jobs and Lasik, most medical procedures are not optional. Free market dynamics do not work when consumers don't have free choice.

The problem then isn't choice, it's price transparency. Almost everything is optional or preventable (other than birth defects, yes even most cancers are preventable). Your beloved government intervention has led us to a point where we don't even have price transparency. Yeah, we should have MORE government...

What happens without price transparency?

What happens when I go to a restaurant and there are no prices because I don't have to pay? I'm ordering steak. I don't get the salad, I don't get the chicken. I get a couple drinks to start, the sampler for an appetizer, the steak, and of course "Yes, I'd love to see the dessert menu!". Thanks for covering my costs! Google Third Payer Problem or watch this video:


With price transparency, my wallet guides me in all my life decisions. I might even wake up early for a jog, quit smoking, skip the drive-thru, etc knowing that these choices will cost be in the long run. Without price transparency, what are people doing for preventative health care? Many do nothing, that's what insurance is for, silly!

What I find immoral is that insurance companies clear nearly 80% profit margin from costly premiums, stealing from 200 million plus citizens. Insurance companies and big Pharma is our problem, not government.

I agree with you! What gives them the right to do this? What gives them the power? What prevents a smart citizen like yourself from saying, screw you, I'm going to, instead of paying these outrageous premiums, go over here to a competing company instead? (hint: government)

In a free market, my inner entrepreneur would see 80% margins for an insurance company and say, "Damn, I need to start an insurance company" and I would swoop in and take all of their customers with a much more modest 70% margin (only to get outdone by another company of greedy capitalists who only want 60%).

This continues until margins are so lean, I'd need to innovate to bring higher quality or lower prices in order to stay salient. (This is Austrian Economic Theory).

None of this works if the government keeps passing laws which ARE WRITTEN BY THE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO PREVENT COMPETITION.

So, No. I don't think you should keep hoping and praying that the government will pass another bill (written by the insurance companies) and expect it to be in my best interests.

Look at us agreeing!

"The Right To Life" should be Universal!

All I see is hypocrisy. It's ok for tax payers to pay for YOU the military, but not the unhealthy. The right to life should include the right to be treated by a medical professional. Also, if you don't like your government run healthcare, that's because your ride or die libertarians and GOPers choose not to fund that for you. You're just a number to them.

Universal healthcare works in other countries. Just because it sucks in the US doesn't make it a bad idea. But, please continue to yammer about moral obligation while you simultaneously seek to strip millions of people from healthcare. There's absolutely not a smidge of cognitive dissonance there.

Yes these are actual comments. I ask my friend, "How much do you donate?" I believe in other's health so much that I donated 18% of my salary last year to health charities alone. If you believe it to be important, you walk the walk. You don't virtue-signal your representative into stealing from everyone to support things you care for, YOU support things you care for.

The military's justification is specifically in the constitution (Government will protect Life, Liberty and Property) and I won't be made to feel bad about any hypocrisy.

- Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. -Frederic Bastiat

If you think health care should be a Right, agitate to get the constitution changed. Maybe even spare a bit of your own dime?

If the 'right to life' included the Right to Medical Healthcare, who provides it in Venezuela? I mean, it's a right.

How can a right not being given freely? There's a difference between positive rights and negative rights.

If I am a doctor, you are not entitled to my time and services. If you are, that's called slavery. Doctors HAVE to provide a service to everyone because it's your right to their time and services? That doesn't jive.

Under that logic, why wouldn't Food be a Human Right? I mean, you need it to live. Why don't we require stores to give out food and be open 24 hours a day? It's our Right!

The Air Force also isn't in the constitution. Shall we disband it now or wait until the morning?


I'm a licensed professional counselor- intern, working in a public mental health facility, providing services to low income individuals and families. I also donate to organizations that I think will protect the needs of our most vulnerable, including planned parenthood and the ACLU, who both get recurring donations from me. Clearly, I'm a liberal. I also pay about $35k in taxes, most of which are allocated to our bloated military budget.

Great, a 'professional' and 'intern' that thinks they are doing their part and aren't required to do ANYTHING else to help those without insurance.

You obviously hate the military, you keep bringing us up. But you get no bonus points for tax money, we all pay it.

Plot twist: I'm also for limited military, slash it in half (to start), quit giving out foreign aid which could go to your beloved 'Single Payer'. I want to reduce that tax burden so that YOU can't blame it on me and YOU'LL have more money to give! Win win win!

I am a nurse, with a population health case management background. I have experience in reviewing health disparity research data, identifying best practices, and implementing such best practices to yield stronger patient outcomes at the organizational level.

Perfect! Thank you for what you do. Are you clinical or research at the moment? If clinical, does your clinic accept cash or insurance only?

We accept all forms of reimbursements...how is that pertinent to our discussion?

I wanted to ask about the price differential 'when you take cash' vs. 'when you bill insurance'.

Then I was wondering how much of the billed service gets auto-negotiated down, what is the final disposition of payment?

I'd love to know the size of your staff that strictly ensures compliance? Or do you have to outsource it?

What is the effect on this expense on the final cost?

No response yet

It's been an absolute blast! I'm truly not trying to win any arguments, just spread a message.

Maybe if we extend Obamacare and more people die because of it, we'll learn. And then we get Single Payer and you get to experience how government can run health care like a DMV and we'll learn from that as well.

I'm here hoping at some point you've been exposed to the message of Limited Government and the power of Free Markets so you know that's there IS a better way.

To be honest, I'd love everyone to have 'free healthcare' but giving bureaucrats in Washington that power hasn't worked in the past and won't work for something so important.

I'm not against the end result, it's the method. Politicians, even Sen Cornyn here, doesn't care about you, they care about power.

Wishing you health and happiness.

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I think we also need more free market solutions to our educational system. I would love to see companies and entrepreneurs competing against each other for profit. Free markets mean better products, whether it's phones, education, healthcare or whatever.

I just saw a headline this week that Trumonis getting government out of K-12. Not sure if it was a deceptive headline but I thought it was good news.