Glad to see where you stand on this pope. I think the smoke that came out the day he was selected was from some really good loud. As far as the tenants of Catholicism go and have gone for the last 1000 or so years this guy is about as far away from them as any pope has ever been. HE is going on about Fake News when I think at best he is a Fake Pope. His stances on things never cease to amaze me on how secular he is and how far left he is pushing main stream Catholics.
I notice you are not using all your STEEMit witness votes.
Any chance you could see your way to lending me one of your many unused witness votes?
You have a total of 30 Witness votes and there are certainly 30 of us that could use them. Your support is appreciated.
Thanks for your strong stance on libertarianism and consideration in a witness vote. We need more Truth Pressers in America.