this human caused climate change is a diversion. everyone in power or seeking power are so far up their own butts they wouldn't recognize reality if it ran up and bit off their noses. if CO2 is the best we can do to address the problems we face today, then let the fire come. jill stein is a fruit loop, who thinks there will be 9 feet of sea level rise. trump might fix a thing or two. hillary will probably break everything that we have left but if jill stein told me the sky is blue, i'd have to go check.
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Liberals/progressives looking for an alternative to Hillary have probably considered Jill Stein. Her statement about war with Russia if Clinton was elected is a near endorsement of Trump. Hillary absolutely must not be elected. So, she's right about that part.
with this i cannot disagree. i think cynthia mckinney might be something closer to a better choice but who has heard of her? hillary is the wrong answer. i recommend keeping track of names of people who support hillary so their advice can be avoided in the future. we need to systematically disallow stupid people from continuing to muck up our future.