I fairly certain I don't understand the breadth and depth of the signals manipulation in our reality tunnels, whether it be electronic, ideological, philosophical, chemical, or what have you. I do see the results. That two very similar people, under roughly the same conditions, can come to such wildly different conclusions, demonstrates that we have been led into perceptual ghettos. Most of the people do not have the awareness to recognize this, so, here we remain, mired in this torpor of psychological slavery.
Most aren't going to research anything themselves. I wonder what the popular conception of research actually is. I've, personally, been trying to come up with a way to profit from creating an incentive for engagement with knowledge by the public. I've, so far come up empty, except that I know that mammals like shiny, tasty, sexy things, not necessarily all at once or in that order. I think that the truth and freedom are shiny, tasty, and sexy, but I know That I'm an outlier in these respects.
What is the draw? What is the reward that keeps the listeners coming back to things like DemocracyNow! I can't say I ever really enjoyed listening. It's more like I knew there was something wrong, and it was good to hear the little truth they tell, even if heavily redacted. Their failures in accurately reporting global warming were what finally made me look at them, rather than look to them. I discovered Susan Lindauer later. 9/11 busted my faith in DN! wide open. At one point I heard Goodman duck the subject of Indira Singh on PTech and the 9/11 software. This is, to me, the most bald and bleeding abrasion, to do with 9/11 that I had seen up to that point, worse than WTC7. The first time I ran across Sibel Edmonds was on DN! She has since distinguished herself separate from them, to her credit.
There are also the inconsistencies in Noam Chomsky, as heavily supported by DN!