
Looks like Trump has started taking tips from his dictator-buddy Duterte. Trump can save his presidency with a single execute order decriminalizing cannabis at the federal level, but he's too arrogant for that.

it is interesting how he used the Philippines as an example, when all indications have show the drug war to have disaserous effects there

Also interesting how he uses China...which is truly a role model for us if you look at it's "work ethics" and the Social Credit System. HUUUGE, beautiful things to come I suppose...

What's even more interesting is how his detractors don't get Trump. Trump for what faults people like to harp on is missing the bigger picture. Anyone who may have read his book, Art of The Deal, you'll know exactly what he's doing.

He's flushing out. What does that mean? In his deal-making mechanics, he's "saying what some people want to hear", gets them to commit, he then makes notes of who they are and then knows his playing field to a T.

It's funny how he's playing the Left/MSM and they don't even know it, but more importantly, he is genuinely doing things to improve the United States as a country, despite detractors having ideological and worldview differences.

It's one thing to get caught up in the Trump detractors character assassination campaign and taking a moment to see what the man is actually accomplishing. There are people who talk and there are people who get shit done. Trump is getting shit done.

Right. And together with 666 Kushner and BFF Bibi and Q he will save the world. Brilliant.

666 is Jared's IQ, obviously. I mean, come on, just look at the kid—you can tell he's a real fuckin' Einstein. Kushner is using that massive IQ to help The Orange One play 800th dimensional chess against all of our enemies while Q-anon, a super-intelligent AI created by the military, drops hints about Trump's upcoming moves using cryptic language and puzzles because he can't just tell us this shit outright because that would alert the enemies who are obviously not smart enough to decode the secret messages.

LOL. I like your thinking! Followed :)

I don't know, I kind of agree with Trump. That is, as long as we start with the corporate officers at Merck, Glaxo and all the other major pharma corporations. Look at the FBI's death stats—legal drugs kill way more people than street drugs. Using Trump's logic and actual statistics, Ian Read, CEO of Pfizer, has a much higher kill count than someone like El Chapo.

You mentioned the CIA and big, crooked banks. I agree, that would also be a good place to start.

Trump seems to love China's tough drug policies... so why stop with drugs? China also executes corrupt businessmen and politicians. Remember the tainted milk/melamine scandal? Folks were executed and given lifetime prison sentences for that incident. Remember the housing market/derivatives disaster? Executives were punished with bailouts and fat bonus checks for that one.