Soros strikes Back!

in #news7 years ago

So, you thought BREXIT is done deal? Not so fast! Uncle George has something to say…

Three days ago we have made a quick guide how to distinct “democracy meddling” and “fixing the democratic errors”. Following the guide, old George decided to explain it personally, and to up his ante in the new “Best for Britain” party — after putting £400.000 to the BfB, and the “toxic” criticism he received last week, he has pledged an additional £100k to his anti-Brexit campaign!

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He also said that engineering a “mere reversal” of the EU referendum result is not enough. It's touching to see so much care in one foreign citizen (who, by the way, does not pay taxes in the UK), for British people and democracy. He must have soft spot for them since he broke their bank.

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What mechanisms he has? Well, he has a rabid neoliberals, like these behind 89up and 90up “impact” and “influencer” agencies, always ready to serve to their sister corporate media “reports” on Russian meddling in western democracies over social media — that even the owners of these media, and MI5 cannot confirm! He has some white powder senders. All with a full support of Brussels bureaucracy… and Suzanna Reid (“OK, but he has a right to campaign on what he wants to…”)

Duration: 5:54

You can see it's simply his pure love towards British people, and…

…no interest whatsoever!


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Los momak, svuda mesa prste.

То је изузетно блага оцена, @dobartim. Прави си дипломата :)

Soros is the biggest villain of our time. I admit I will celebrate the day when he dies.

Remember how people danced over Margaret Thatcher's grave singing “Witch is dead!”? Just imagine how great would be a pissing party on his grave :)

The world would be in far better shape without people like Soros.

Check The Daily spotlights of 12 February 2018! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights
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