Banda Aceh - The Government of Aceh held a morning rally together on the first day of the commencement of office activities after the Idul Fitri holiday on the grounds of the Aceh Governor's Office, Thursday 21 June 2018.
The apple was led by the Deputy Governor of Aceh Nova Iriansyah and followed by the Aceh Regional Secretary, Assistants, Governor's Expert Staff, Head of Bureau and Head of SKPA, as well as the entire State Civil Administration within the Aceh Regional Secretariat.
In his remarks the Deputy Governor conveyed four things that were asked to be a joint concern.
That is related to program planning and activities, eradicating corruption, performance and discipline, and the capacity of apparatus resources.
Regarding program and activity planning, the Deputy Governor said all parties should focus more on developing programs and activities so that the impact of program and activity implementation could be felt in real terms and could encourage the growth of the real sector of the Acehnese economy.
For that, in the preparation of programs and activities, SKPA must have priorities and targets that are guided by the RPJM Aceh 2017-2022, said the Deputy Governor.
The Deputy Governor also hopes that each head of SKPA will make breakthroughs and innovations and synergize with development priorities and the flagship program of Aceh Besar.
APBA in 2018 is also reminded that it must be used and fully utilized for the development of Aceh.
I hope that besides the realization and absorptive capacity of the budget, we must also look at the level of development performance so that statistically there will be an increase in each sector, said the Deputy Governor.
While related to the eradication of corruption, the Deputy Governor said that the current status of Aceh was the area of KPK coaching.
With this status, all aspects of governance must be directed in such a way that efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption can be carried out properly.
Meanwhile, related to the performance issues and discipline of the State Civil Apparatus, continued the Deputy Governor, currently the Government of Aceh has established the Regulation of the Governor of Aceh Number 58 Year 2018 concerning ASN Performance Management in the Aceh Government.
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For the implementation of performance management, according to the Deputy Governor, two important documents are needed, namely Position Analysis and Workload Analysis.
SKPA must have completed these two documents in 2018. "We ask the seriousness of the SKPA heads to complete this document, because of the two documents will determine the performance targets of each ASN, as a basis for consideration of providing additional income for civil servants," said the Deputy Governor.
Finally, the Deputy Governor explained related to the improvement of ASN's capacity and professionalism.
The Deputy Governor said the Government of Aceh was responsible for the continuity of the supply of staff who had expertise in their respective fields of duty so that the wheels of government would continue to run smoothly.
Therefore, each boss is required to conduct training and capacity building for each staff under him.
As for contract workers, an evaluation is planned. Therefore, SKPA is expected to immediately compile a list of contract labor needs.
To follow up on this, we ask the Head of the Aceh Civil Service Agency to be able to carry out, coordinate and report the results to us, the Deputy Governor said.
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