Strong Winds, Two Female Students from North Aceh Affected by Electric Pole in Pijay

in #news6 years ago


SIGLI - Rain accompanied by strong winds struck Pidie Jaya on Monday (6/18/2018) at around 7:15 a.m., causing three electricity poles to fall.

The incident took place on the national road in the Meukho Kuthang Gampong area, Bandar Baru District, Pidie Jaya (Pijay).

Three electricity poles collapsed due to not being able to withstand the burden of a coconut tree that had fallen first over an electrical cable.

The electric pole fell on the motorbike driver (sepmor) Vario BL 5927 KI.

Sepmor was later known to be driven by Mursyidah (31) with his partner Idawati (26). Both were registered as female students from Cot Leupe Village, Nisam District, North Aceh.

Both victims only suffered injuries. Mursyidah suffered a torn wound on her chin and Idawati suffered blisters on her lips, said Bandar Dua police chief, Ipda Faisal SH, answering, Monday (6/18/2018).

He added, during the Mursyidan and Idawati incident on the way to Banda Aceh.

The incident had caused congestion on the national road in Pidie Jaya.

Bandar Dua Sub-District Police was assisted, Pidie Jaya Police, Brimob personnel and Bandar Dua Military District Military Command helped organize traffic, so that traffic returned smoothly.

At present the traffic flow has returned to normal, he concluded.

Source: Serambi

this story I took on


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