🚔PoliceState 💪🏻Stronger Than Ever Under Trump

in #news7 years ago

City Shutting Down Life-Saving Charity Because They Don’t Have a Permit

California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws

New California Law Will Automatically Register Illegal Aliens to Vote

A Border Patrol inspection of a Greyhound bus is raising questions about being stopped

Congress Quietly Pushing Bill To Require National Biometric ID For “ALL Americans”

Things Are Getting Worse, Not Better: Round Ups, Checkpoints and National ID Cards

H.R. 4760: Securing America’s Future Act of 2018
➡️https://www.activistpost.com/2018/01/city-shutting-life-saving-charity-dont-permit.html ➡️https://reason.com/blog/2018/01/25/california-bill-would-criminalize-restau ➡️https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/immigration/item/28092-new-california-law-will-automatically-register-illegal-aliens-to-vote ➡️https://www.salon.com/2018/01/22/a-border-patrol-inspection-of-a-greyhound-bus-is-raising-questions-about-being-stopped/ ➡️https://www.activistpost.com/2018/01/congress-quietly-pushing-bill-require-national-biometric-id-americans.html ➡️http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2018/01/things-getting-worse-not-better-round-ups-checkpoints-national-id-cards.html#more-70655 ➡️https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr4760/text/ih

▶️ DTube

The advocacy and campaigns for more Gun Control is playing directly into the hands of the State. More armed guards at schools is just the start. I live in CT but I'm from Florida and there is a big contrast in how state bogs down its citizens with legislation. In Bridgeport Pan-handling is outlawed. Here's a good essay by a Yale student on homelessness criminalization.


Please check out my post on Anarchism and Anarcho-capitalism.

Playing int the hands of the state...as if it was designed that way. After every shooting they jump on the anti gun campaign. I will check out the links you posted above