Last Sunday an unexpected snowfall blankets the sand dunes of Ain Sefra, northwestern Algeria.
I would not expect this scenario in the desert, but it seems it was not the first time.
It has been observed at the end of 2016, when it covered a notoriously arid part of the desert for the first time since 1979, and NOW!!
The area of Ain Sefra, a northern Algerian town, is at the southern foot of the Atlas mountains, about a kilometer or so above sea level, the extreme northern limit of the Sahara desert, commonly referred to as the Gateway to the Desert.
It seems a huge mass of cold air was dumped on the Sahara from North America, causing the local temperature to hover around 1°C (33.8°F) and creating the ideal conditions for a sudden snowfall. The snow was visible in satellite imagery, standing out in the orange desert surface.
It's possible to see more information and amazing photos here:
Last but not least, I also found an impressive video of the phenomena:
I don't know how about you, but this impressed me a lot!!
Anyway, it didn’t last long!
As one of the links I share below: "After just a couple of hours max, the snow-covered sand reverted back to its original reddish tinge as temperatures rose again".
Stay warm!
(if you're in the Northern Hemisphere as me)
excelente post amigo, mucha suerte y éxitos para su blog, un saludo y un gran abrazo de su seguidor desde Venezuela :')
Gracias @josecrespo! Saludos!
le invito ha pasar por mi blog amiga, desde ya soy tu seguidor:')
Probably impressed many a warm weather animals there too!
You bet!! Fortunately (for them ) the snow didn't last much time! (I forgot to mention it before)
Wow! Que coisa tão estranha, nevar no deserto do sahara. Mas fica tão lindo com neve! :)
Também gostei muito das cores, mas que é estranho é!
Não sabia que isso tinha acontecido! Muito estranho mesmo. Já nem sabemos com o que contar daqui para a frente... A natureza está a mudar tanto!
A natureza é imprevísivel. Sempre gostei muito da teoria da borboleta em que "um bater de asas poderia influenciar e provocar um tufão do outro lado do mundo". O Homem efetivamente desempenha o papel da borboleta promovendo alterações no planeta, estas pequenas coisas, como a neve no deserto, a seca que tivemos, o gelo que agora faz nos EUA são sinais.
Amazing! Snowfall in the desert. I never thought that was possible.
Me neither!!
Caso para dizer, a Natureza é que manda!
Completamente, é assim que encaro estas coisas.
It is rather interesting that we have more snow in Sahara than in southern Finland...
Wow, I would not expect such thing!! It seems this snow didn't last long, so don't be upset!
Wow that was amaizing