Hey, thanks for the response. I don’t know overall stats - just that it’s been roughly about 20% ladies in Congress.
Thanks for asking me to clarify rather than assuming - I really appreciate that! What I meant is: I feel like sometimes I’m given a “cookie” as a white woman - which is supposed to make me feel like I’ve achieved something. It also makes it easy to be blind to all the other people who aren’t getting cookies at all. When “gender equity” only promotes white women, I’m asking for white women to consider that their position is more fragile than they’re being led to believe -- they empowered, but more to be the “token” than an equal. I think ALL women should run for office, white women included! I just don’t want them to be blind to why they’re the ones getting the majority of the “power" - if that makes sense? I want them to “step back and consider the situation”, and approach things with a more critical mindset that will ultimately lead to more fairly distributed power for all people. :)