
I seem to remember them practicing on the day 7/7 and the air force were practicing on the day of 9/11. If thats not a coincidence. Cant wait for the end of central bankers, then hopefully we can get some peace in the world. Its not going to be easy but it has to happen

Every single terror event has a training exercise around it, most on the same day. You are right. Vote with your wallet when the system comes down.

scum queen

Scum World. They control via central banks. NEVER give your money back to them, that is the source of their power. FUCK THE BANKERS.

Banks can fuck themselves. I can't stand living in this matrix of deception and greed so I am slowly backing out of it. We all have to...we are not "cattle". We deserve to live the most enriched, loving and positive life that we can. The banks are there from day one to crush our dreams and shatter the illusion of self wealth. I have decided that wealth, to me, is for everybody and we all have the right to accumulate whatever we want in life! Rock on in your way of thinking...fight this corrupt system by getting out of it! No mortgage, no debt...use gold, silver, crypto or barter! We will prevail if we step out of their matrix. Have an awesome day @lost.identity!

Fucking right. Nothing pleases me more than a comment from a recently freed soul.

We woke up about a dozen years ago but just now realizing that we HAVE to put some stuff into's getting serious out there. Love having others on the same wavelength!

Then thank you for your leadership. WE can do it. THEY can go fuck themselves.
