Election fraud news !...US Special Forces attacked CIA server farm In Germany?

in #news4 years ago (edited)

The attempted coup, the lies, and the fraud from the lefty, technocratic commies, are going to be exposed...

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Lt Gen McInerney reports US Special Forces attacked a CIA Server Farm in Germany.

5 Soldiers Killed, servers secured.

Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn gave an statement today.
It was Flynn’s first interview since the pardon.

In a stunning testimony, McInerney stated that his sources have told him that the U.S. Army Special Forces, raided the CIA run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany.
Five soldiers were killed in the firefight.
And one CIA paramilitary.
The CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security.
Reviews of the secured servers yielded proof that President Donald Trump to have won an overwhelming victory for the American people.

“These people have committed treason,” declared McInerney.
He pleaded with President Trump to not leave office until the treason is uncovered, otherwise America will be fatally wounded and ripe for takeover by our enemies.
He also stated that he believes President Trump knew the steal was coming, hence his executive order that was issued for sanctions for interference, in our elections by foreign powers.
Reports are circulating that General Flynn is now involved in helping the President with a private intelligence operation.

There seems to be more and proof coming out that the democrats tried to take over government, along with the CIA and foreign entities.

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Time to get gitmo open.
Or the guillotines.
(I'm more for the short, sharp, block myself)
Collapse come from the subterfuge within.
The manipulators.
Traitors need to be ended.


If i don't see a row of gallows over this election, ima getting into the gallows building business.

Or god himself / herself is going to have to come down and explain how all this fraud didn't matter.

The Conspiratorial Insane Agency has never been an American ally.
And what will be horrifying to watch is when Chump disbands / cuts the funding for the Cocain Import Agency, and they continue on as if nothing happened.

The Crass Inane Agency has stashes of weapons all over the world. It has and makes its own money. It has never followed orders from the president (except that the pres was a puppet of their actual boss)

And, of course the servers where in another country. Its just standard MO. When you want stuff on France, you have servers in England. When you want stuff on America, you have servers in Germany.

Just the existence; simply proving the existence of said servers is enough for me to condemn all those involved to life in prison. American elections = American servers, no questions.

I wish that America had some new groups that would report on whether this happening happened.

It's all bs until somebody goes to jail.

I heard they don't know which faction in america got it, that lawyer lady Powell who works for Trump said "I dont know if it was the bad guys who got their hands on that hard drive from that server, because I don't have it yet"

According to this video the good guys have it, at least he said they seized it. The good parts start about 40 minutes in.

If its Flynn saying it, that's likely why he is out of Jail on Pardon by Trump. I believe it without watching the video.

No it's General McInerney who made the statement. Flynn talks of the cyber operation involved and how the main stream media manipulates people into believing that something is true. The whole video is quite interesting, he makes sense, repeat something enough it starts to become true. What McInerney is claiming is quite explosive.


She said that days ago, which maybe they didn't at the time but that is what they are pulling their stats off so maybe they didn't quite want that information out there yet. I remember there being an attack in Afghanistan mentioned shortly after the election but can't locate it...if the CIA people (who were the bad guys in this) were actually killed in Germany it would seem logical to report it as such because then they would have to explain what they were doing in Germany protecting a server farm.

Yeah the tension of this is driving me insane in Canada, I obviously like Trump from a 3rd party perspective, but can only imagine the head ache americans must have

It’s fucking awful 😐

Thanks for the information mate this will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.

Goods man, come up with some goods!

I'm no in Germany, I can only report! ffs...some people,...

Me not very good net but i know german

Swig heil

Gott und himmel!
Sie Deutsche, sprechen!

I'm back in Picton and I know what time it is!

Plenty of new options for execution thanks to the improved Trump DOJ.


Gosh, you don’t say.