Kim Dotcom: "I Was Involved With Seth Rich" #WikiLeaks

in #news7 years ago

Kim Dotcom expected to release public statement after meeting with lawyers today in regards to the brutal and untimely murder of Seth Rich, which liberals are claiming to be a "failed robbery." Seth Rich's person still had about $2,000 worth of belongings when police arrived on the scene. The video below is worth a watch, if only for the great Australian accent of the uploader, The Outer Light.



I hope this story starts getting more hard facts behind it. The liberal MSM isn't going to cover this until they are forced to cover it. Right now it is all hearsay, much like the evidence they have for Russian collusion.

If Kim Dotcom does the interview at Fox News and releases physical evidence of collusion between Rich and WikiLeaks, then the Russians will be exempt from investigations and Congress will be forced to take a different tact, by incriminating Clinton and Podesta.

I agree. The more they can get actual named people out taking about this the better. It is funny to me that we actually have people like Kim Dotcom and Julian Assange talking about this. One stating he knows Seth Rich was the source and the other insinuating that Seth Rich was his source. Yet no one from the MSM takes that serious. Then you look at the Russian Collusion story and every thing they have is from an un-named source with zero evidence backing it up. They will take that story as 100% truth because it goes against President Trump, a man they absolutely despise.