In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange is joined by Partisan Girl to discuss what just happened, and who is really responsible. The Trump administration has made plenty of false promises in the past, but this may be the biggest one.
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Thank you for this very informative video.
You both point out that it really does not matter who carried out the missile strike, although it appears that Israel was the culprit.
The coalition that American imperialism has drawn together is hell bent upon the overthrow of Assad's government no matter what the cost in terms of civilian casualties.
The Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance will be put to the test during the next 48 hour period during which Trump and the neo-con warmongers will decide whether or not to massively ramp up tensions within the Middle East by bombing Syria.
Israel and the neo-cons are chomping at the bit to attack Syria as it is seen as a stepping stone towards the real target which is overthrowing the government of Iran.
Russia's role in the next 48 hours will be crucial.
Will Putin stand by while his ally is pulverized by Western missiles?
Will he stand up to the moral hypocricy of Trump?
Putin should tell Trump that Russia will shoot down any missiles the U.S./Israel fires at Syria. It has the capability with the S400 and Pantsir defence systems.
Besides this, Russia must give Syria the latest air defence weaponry so it can properly defend itself from Western Imperialism.
Keep up the good work!
What role if any are Marduke and Enlil playing in this conflict?
the bombed the airbase in their UFOs
Syrian Girl is always on the target ...
Luke, quick note:
your volume is totally different from hers ... it gives the impression that her answers were pre-recorded ...
This is going to get really ugly.... prepare to lower the bar on human depravity real soon people.
Good work luke. I think all this will be avoided but we are sure heading for changing times 💯🐒
No wounder the MSM doesn't like you, and gets your content demonetized on their friend's platforms.
You provide real, in depth coverage of world news. This is very threatening to the conglomerate entertainment\propaganda beast, because it is otherwise known as real journalism. It is almost sad, as the contrast between your work and theirs is diagnostic of the lack of substance in their corresponding efforts, and their attempts to mislead the populace rather than inform them. The deep state is more than a threat to real news, it is a long lived threat to humanity, and balance in the universe as a whole.
You are the front line, may the universe protect your continued efforts, and give you the comfort and sustenance you need to continue...
In Light and Love
Giant Hugs<3<3<3