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In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange talks with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about the latest news in cryptocurrency.
One of the biggest stories of the week has been the major dip in the price of Bitcoin and with it, most other cryptos. This happened after India's finance minister Arun Jaitley announced that he wants to crack down on people not paying taxes including cracking down on Bitcoin. Once again, like we've seen before past dips, the media misreported it and claimed he wanted to ban Bitcoin causing a massive drop in the value.
Meanwhile, India has one of the world's most significant cashless societies. There's a big difference however which is explained in the video.
In other news, Facebook has banned advertisements of cryptocurrencies or ICOs in another attempt to nanny the public while opening the door for people to invest in the stock market and bond market interestingly enough as we see both bonds and stocks heading downward after reaching a peak.
And finally, it appears that eBay could now start accepting Bitcoin after ending their deal with PayPal. With the lightning network also being rolled out there are a lot of upsides long term, but the market looks bearish in the short term.
The views expressed in this video are our opinions and not financial advice. Please do your own due diligence.
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The Changey McChange Show!!!
India will like crypto soon enough good things take time
Same here.
That's the corniest shit I have ever heard.
It is a memetics HACK used to expose that public polls are often not genuine. This name would at least show the poll was real and that you listen to your audience.I like this meme. the boaty mcboatface meme. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/boaty-mcboatface
Why Dan whyyy! :/
And you upvoted your own comment you jerk. lol
I've been in the crypto markets for a while now, and I've never seen this much FUD: credit card companies banning crypto purchases, conflicting statements on regulation from many countries, Tether/Bitfinex BS, etc..
Nobody knows what the F*** is going on right now!
I think it's because more and more people are using it and accepting it as actually having value. It's freaking out the traditional institutions and governments because they are afraid of losing their power. What's the old saying? First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Looks like we're on step 3 of 4!
Nice dovetail
crypto is going to get new high in this year or start of 19 bcoz manipulators want to break patience of anxious holders and want to buy in much possible dip
Tales from the Crypto
I vote for the "Crypto Cunt Show".
I second that
I remember you saying you couldn't see which post was top voted on YT a week ago. Mine was top voted :) Hope you like it. Tales From The Crypto!
If people in India hate Bitcoin, they are idiots
No They Don't. I should know .I am from India. The Author is Dumb !
We're talking about the Indian government which we make PRETTY clear. lol
luke! I am your father
I predict, this year, BTC will go past the moon and all the way to Uranus.
Yes, the standard of living in India is very low
I think that you are wrong
I believe WeAreCrypto or even WeAreWealth could be good names for the show, as they are related to the brand, depending on how bullish you want to be I think. Great work, keep it up!
WeAreCrypto nice
WeAreCrypto is perfect.
I vote for the "youknowwhat-show"
Mainstream's Cryptonite
India loves bitcoin
The Indian government hates it. Big difference 👍
As explained in the video. But trying to make a point with the title. Too many mix up India's cashless system and Bitcoin.
I agree!
Many do mix it up. There is a lot of misinformation out there too that makes it more confusing. I’m honna share this video as it breaks it all down perfectly
Bro Bangladesh is Love Bitcoin But gov is Heat bitcoin
So bad
My comment wasn’t meant as calling out the title as false. Totally liked and agreed with your premise in post/video👍
Sorry if it came off that way
true or false so another day of drop.... lol
Call it "The Crypto Keeper".
The shows name is "Luke looks like my brother!"
Facebook only seemingly is free. You are their commodity. I encourage you to delete accounts from fb.
Looks like "we are blockchange" is leading on the last episode.... Really like that one
Luke and Josh Awesome Show, Great Job!
Two Guys One Crypto...
WeAreCryptoChangeMedia is my final choice. Thank you guys for this show, you are keeping me informed. I would like to know more about which crypto-currencies are ponzi scams. Let's expose more criminals like bitconnect!
thanks for news &dtube vid :) i watch it naw
really informative
USA is a social ethnic experiment which has failed miserably. The central banking fails with dollar demise, but INDIA'S exit is its Gold Reserve but not stupid crypto currency tied to dollar to quantitise its value.Crypto's are fiat digital currency with a distributed database.Modi can ban those crypto exchanges overnight without any resistance but may not bcos its a new resource for tax
India is planning to come with its own cryptocurrency Laxmi!
call the show cryptowithluke
Crypto Delusions
Thank you for your insight, much appreciated.
LJ’s Jig Jam
Well India is afraid of cryptos volatile market against inr
People hide their income and did not pay tax. Indian goverment have not power to control it.
Crypto Bro’s is my entry.
Current Crypto Karma
Thanks God, India is not the middle of the earth. that is already Germany :-P It doesn 't mätter, was the India are thinking about Bitcoin. Who cares?!
Seriously, the Problem o fBitcoin isn 't India. The problem is the lack of diversification of this currency. This must be solved better by upcoming cryptocurrencies. In any case, Bitcoin will not be able to do that. That's what the enormous price fluctuations already say.
Cryptocurrency is probably the best answer to convert India into cashless society.
If Indian government says, that they would allow bitcoin and others, then the prices will spike 50percent in a day and people will be more open about developments too.
India is on its way to address the misuse of crpytocurrency first, but that cannot be stopped and by the time India regulates, it shall be too late.
It is now or never.
This is all adding to the dip. I keep saying to wait a little longer to buy. Don't compare current price to all time high. Look at pricing that is lower or similar to what it was before late 3rd Quarter of 2017.
As a Fulltime ebay merchant I like this new move. More choices is better for everyone. Paypal makes accounting for us terrible.
The Cryptonomy
Luke and Josh Awesome Show, Great Job!
Bro everybody is speeding to much FUD !!!! Its like Trump and the aliens ...

We Are Blockchainge
nice post thanks for searing....
thanks for this news really informative post here sir @lukewearechange
This news really informative post thanks for searing. I like this post because this post very helpfull.
I hope governments will never be able to regulate bitcoin,
but I do hope there will be a backup plan in case bitcoin bites the dust.
Same as bitcoin might now be a backup plan for fiat in many people's eyes.
woww I like your posts friend
I think it will go up and up
Good luck for your steam 😉
I am waiting for your support. For me last post 😊
Thank you so much. Good evening 😊
Thank You for sharing this information. I had no idea India was anti-bitcoin. I knew they were mostly digital and figured they were bitcoin supporters. India's finance minister Arun Jaitley cracking down on Bitcoin, wanting taxes is ridiculous! Why should government benefit from my personal labor and vision to invest in cryptocurrency? In the United States the IRS deems Bitcoin as property, and as property, it can not be taxed until sold and converted into US Dollars.
Great Show!!
What about the name '#WeareTRUTH' for your show! Or '#Wearebadass' What does everyone think????? Maybe '#Wearecryptosavy'