In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news interviewing a whistleblower, former congress women Cynthia McKinney on how she saw politicians co-opt and bought. The buying of politicians is nothing new but how it's done is fascinating.
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Cynthia mentioned she is on Steemit ..
Thank you!
When she said that in the video, I instantly searched for her to follow haha
She is an amazing lady, and one of the few politicians that stuck to her principles. Go to YouTube and watch her grill Rumsfeld over Dyncorp. He was so uncomfortable and squirming in his chair.
Good video as always!most politicians sell there souls to the devil to further there careers.bastards!
The JESUITS Educate Most of the Politicians, if you can Teach them the Worldview you want, you dont even have to Buy them. The Leader of the E.U. Donald Tusk is a Roman Catholic, the Leader of the U.N. Gutterez is a Devout Roman Catholic. Even Donald Trump was Educated by the Jesuits at Fordham University. I Wonder why these Big " Truther " Channels often Overlook the HUGE Role of Papal Rome in Uniting the Worlds Religions and in the Push for Global Government ....? Please do your Own Research, God bless.
A kakistocracy (/ˌkækɪsˈtɒkrəsi, -ˈstɒk-/) is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as the 17th century. It was also used by English author Thomas Love Peacock in 1829, but gained significant usage in the 21st century.
solid video :)
Too bad good politicians are in minority.
Cynthia is woke af
great video I love Cynthia and the work she does.
thank you for coming to D Tube - if a few more of my favorites come here I won't have to even go to youtube.
I like her. She actually goes out and tries to help people like a real leader. Politicians just abuse their powers to push their agenda's. And their monopoly on money and violence makes it easy for them.
Cool to see you here - I was HOPING the youtubers I follow would come to steemie and d tube.
Interesting video - and not surprising at all. One does not have to be an anarchist (which I am not) to appreciate this video.