In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the 50,000 FBI text messages that were just found by the DOJ that were a correspondence between FBI agents Strzok and Page and their conversation of a secret society within the FBI against Donald Trump. As the Russia probe gets more scandalous Trump just announced he would testify under oat for this investigation plus a lot more news on Dutch police search for expensive clothes, Amazon, CNN, Julian Assange and much much more.
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~~~ embed:conspiracy/comments/7sxe0u/remember_that_time_george_w_bush_refused_to/ reddit metadata:fGNvbnNwaXJhY3l8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2NvbnNwaXJhY3kvY29tbWVudHMvN3N4ZTB1L3JlbWVtYmVyX3RoYXRfdGltZV9nZW9yZ2Vfd19idXNoX3JlZnVzZWRfdG8vfA== ~~~
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Liked the "homeless guy in the subway taking a dump" analogy. So spot on !! Or in the local vernacular, the mainstream media is "taking the piss" with their blatant behaviour. Seriously, cuckholding... it's like they are trying to say "hey, we're going to drop on by via your TV, shag your partner with our fake news whilst you watch, and well, you really should just feel good about it all !"
I knew Taco Bell was involved with the feds after that ad campaign...It's the Belluminati! hahaha
50,000 texts is a ridiculous amount between co-workers, when did they find time to work, jeesh
If people were judged literally by all of our texts and emails out of context, we would all look like fucking criminals and terrorists. I know a guy who kept sending me offensive emails I had to ask to stop because he was CC his wife's White House address and it was a matter of public record. I guarantee if you forced the New York FBI field office to release all their texts and emails during the election, people would absolutely shocked by the stuff said about Clinton.
OMG, im going to start a secret society to overthrow the president while using my government issue phone, LOL @lukewearechange
Good try, apologist shill.
The FBI has been infiltrated by communists and other enemies of America. JFK found out and was set to expose them, and that is why they killed him.
lol it's always 'the communists'.....ignorant fools like you is what continues this process going from generation to generation.
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... It's probably a duck. What exactly do you think the "liberals", oh wait, they call themselves, "progressives" now... are doing? They are using marxist tactics straight out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and Cloward-Pivens model to collapse the system and usher in communism. You're the real fool if you cannot see what is going on and who is pulling the strings.
But I thought the communists invaded you and occupied you back in 1950? Huh? WTF?
Go back to Alex Jones, so he can keep telling you it's the communists to blame for everything......OMG DUCK AND RUN FOR COVER THE COMMUNISTS ARE COMING. BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP CHECK UNDER YOUR BED FOR A RED.....
Keep hiding your head in the sand pal. That worked out really well for the middle class in Russia during the Bolshevik revolution. Why do you think the US is being flooded with third world people who do not understand our language, culture, the Constitution, or the common values that bind Americans together? These people are the new useful idiots. Easy to whip into a violent frenzy over the threat of cutting off the free kibble.
The reason is simple, but for a mental midget like you it's impossible for you to understand....ALWAYS blame others for the problems that YOU create. That is the motto you live by.
Once you need to resort to personal attacks, it shows that you don't have any real argument. Carry on, friend.
Like all organizations who run the show are the senior internals who see the presidents come and go. Should better training be required? Ethic visibility could be a better solution. More reporting and time tracking from the government officials.
Are you surprised here about finding all of this dirt out @lukewearchange? I am not one bit. I am actually impressed that many people kept a lid on it this long. Who says there is no honor among thieves? We would have never know about this had the DNC never manufactured Russian collusion, and we sure as hell would have never found out if HRC was elected. These types of revelations are what I have come to hope for daily as that is truly what the real outrage in the public is at. Great post! UPVOTE
I really like your post and I enjoy it immensely with all your posts.
Ulala, nice info ;) good job !
All this info coming out yet no indictments and we're still on the Russia nonsense. It's insanity!
Hey Luke, miss the old crew a bit. Do you still talk to Ak?
Hi,I am still here on Steemit and twitter we all had a bit of a fall out due to a number of factors some of the things I have gone into while the rest I have left out because I don't wish to hurt WRC or Luke, we had fun while it lasted. Some things could have easily been resolved. A big major factor that none of us could control was the adpocalypse which is currently affecting Activist Post and Coinivore where I work now. I am helping work on a solution helping create onG.Social but we need some more months to have everything solid and operational like Steemit. Cheers, AK.
Should have known you were on here buddy! Followed you old friend... It's jarred BTW.
Thanks for the update. It'a good to see you on D-Tube now I have no reason to check out youtube lol. Long live the blockchain and keep fighting the good fight! I think the secret society text could be even more nefarious than just anti Trump... Illuminati cough cough lol
You know you might just be right about the secret society! 😎
"The very word secret is repugnant in a free and open society..." J.F.K.
Fantastic post friend contribution of a support vote
Both parties are sold out. My brother & Luke could play mirror mirror they look so much alike.
LukeWeAreSteam >>>>>> CuckNewsNet
If CNN is reporting on it, they must be misdirecting.
I can't wait to see how all of this unfolds! Go Trump! @originalworks
To bad there wasn't more meat on the secret society. I would like to know if they exist for real. While I can guess they do. I would be interested to know which ones are around.
Getting suspicious. We Are Change getting so few views??