William Rodriguez Exposes 🔦 The U.S./Saudi Cover-up of 9/11 💸

in #news7 years ago

I just had a very compelling and heartfelt interview with William Rodriguez about his experiences during the attacks on 9/11. A story which has never changed and is corroborated by many eye witnesses that directly contradicts the official story of what happened on that day.

DTube Video Link


His heroic actions should have brought him mainstream media attention, and this is the most interesting aspect of his story. I have traveled with him internationally, and he is respected highly. William has met world leaders, and the international community knows his story. Many people know about all the survivors, family members, and rescue workers who were calling for more accountability and the truth from the U.S. government.

Sadly the U.S. mainstream media has widely ignored his voice and has largely ignored his heroic actions. They have given that voice to a lot of conspiracy theorists who were theorizing what happened on 9/11 which is something that didn't need to happen. I asked Willie why he thought he was ignored by the mainstream media here in the United States but yet so well accepted in the international community.


“I do not have the answer to that, all I can say is that it is more difficult for them to attack a survivor, a person who was there from the very beginning until the very end. It was 102 minutes of a horror that I had to go through. You have been able to meet with people that were with me, people that I saved, and so on and you have seen it first hand. I guess that the media wants to highlight the crazy ones because it's easier to have somebody to attack then to have as you said accountability,” Williams answered.


“We have traveled together and have seen how top government officials in different countries have treated me. I have been treated very well by very senior government officials, presidential candidates, presidents, former presidents. But what do they do with the information they just you know put a blindside on it and they say it's not only me it has been with all the victims.

That's why the survivors of 9/11 have become such a powerful political force. Then you go with this struggle, with but the unveiling of the 28 pages from the Saudi government, the 9/11 Commission. The sad thing is that nobody was accountable for the errors and mistakes that happened on 9/11. They say they were not looking for guild even though there was much guilt. I'm talking about security, militarily, every level failed on 9/11 it was a fiasco, everybody has to agree with that. The media tried to make the government look better that tell what happened on 9/11.”

Luke: I think it's obvious that there was no accountability at all with our elected representatives. They came to you right after 9/11, you have pictures with Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush, but then when you didn't change your story, they left you alone even though they promised political aspirations for you.

“You are correct about that, it's like I'm an uncomfortable witness, I make them uncomfortable.” stated Willie.


I asked William what his understanding of what's currently is going on now, especially with the 28 pages being released last year. There's now a new lawsuit against Saudi Arabia in the United States saying that Saudi Arabia financed the dry run of 9/11. We know Saudi Arabia has threatened economic actions against the United States if these lawsuits are pursued. I wanted to know his understanding of it since you've been following this issue very closely.

“Well is anybody has followed what I've been doing, I've been trying to engage the King of Saudi Arabia. I simply want to have a meeting with the victims of 9/11, and they go crazy, and they try to ignore me. I contacted the embassy, and I contacted the King directly many times. The Saudi’s threatened the U.S. government that if they passed the law to allow lawsuits against them, they would dump four hundred billion dollars in US assets. This is never going to happen because they have vested interest.

“Go on the internet, Twitter, Saudi embassy, the Kings Twitter account, go to the exterior relation minister account. You will see that they all put out, a campaign to try to overturn the lawsuit. For what? Why? It doesn't make any sense and at the same time they paying over a hundred thousand dollars a month to public relations companies, including the Podesta group, to try to lobby congressman' to overturn this law. Imagine, they're spending so much money instead of giving that money to the victims and then you know to wash their hands.”


“No, they're doing the opposite because they don't want to accept the guilt because it opens a whole Pandora Box. Suddenly, you know Trump went over there dancing with the King, and that makes it look worse in the eyes of the victims and survivors. There are many victims that you know believe Trump was going do the right thing and they were fooled.”

The victims of 9-11 had every reason to be fooled because Donald Trump during the election cycle was saying Bush knew about 9/11, was pointing the finger directly at Saudi Arabia when it came to 9/11. When he became president, he went to Saudi Arabia to work on one of the biggest weapons deals for them with his son-in-law, personally calling Lockheed Martin to make sure that they get a better deal for Saudi Arabia.


“We think he's doing this for smart weapons over there. I thought they need it because they have dirty weapons over there, which means that they cannot control it precisely when they use it, and they are trying to use it against Yemen. So what he's doing is pulling the United States directly into the conflict with Yemen. Forty billion dollars here is a lot of money. Of course, he can come and claim, oh I got 40 billion dollars on a deal, and we know that he has not been effective doing any deal making since he became the President. He authors “The Art of The Deal” and we have seen nothing, so what you have here is that the Saudi has gotten away with murder.”

It's important to note here with the United States protecting the Saudi Royal family for so many years that they didn't even attempt to release the 28 pages. When they did release the 28 pages, there's still redacted information but provides new information that what we're talking about with this new lawsuit. With them financing a dry run, the US government hid this information, and I think that this is basis enough to see that there's something wrong. There is no need to go into all these crazy theories and speculations about what exactly happened on 9/11.


“There is no theory, that's real stuff that you know you can go and get yourself,” William explained “There's release information that has been done by media outlets, and we saw it. You know we have seen the stuff, and we are told that you know we're protecting the Saudi government because of our interests in the region. That's all it is; their interests are more important than the interests of the families, that's what we have here.”

Willie touched on an essential point that needs to get out to the rest of America. If you want this information out there, you have to spread it and educate others. There's a reason William Rodriguez is being ignored by the mainstream media while being accepted by the international community.

“Not by Saudi Arabia, they don't want to accept it.” Willie interjected, ”They just try to ignore me, and I said the more you ignore me, the more famous you make me because I got interviews from Russia, from Malaysia, from Iran, from all the countries that he probably hates.”

But not here in the US mainstream media only on real independent media. I asked William if he had any last words about the families the victims and how he's doing.


“Stay vigilant keep the mission up this is a mission for the long run. They are expecting for us to get tired, that's how they win.” stated William, “Thinking, ah they gonna get tired at all you know just give them time, they're gonna be quieter, you know. Just do the mission, just continue to try to get to the bottom of what happened and again try to stay away from all the conspiracy theories, but be vigilant. We need to do that. We need to get to the bottom of what happened.”

That’s an incredibly important message if you want to know more a link to his website is here. Thank you so much, please subscribe and stay tuned for more at YouTube/WeAreChange

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My brother looks like Luke.

Nice lenghthy post
keep up the work....

Thanks for this interview, Luke. I appreciate your work.