Are you saying that we should all disengage from the system or try to bring about change by working within it?
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Are you saying that we should all disengage from the system or try to bring about change by working within it?
We need to change the paradigm. To an extent disengage yes but that is not possible in reality, but slowly it is. For example start using crypto, growing our own etc etc. The more small changes to our environment the bigger the next ones will become. I would love to disengage but the web is so intertwined in our everyday life that would be a big challenge so each thread at a time 💯🐒
I have a feeling that something major will happen shortly that will change the way people view things and that this will help to change the way the system works. I'm not sure what specifically - but I believe it will be a positive development - but it is a more like a sense gained from what I see happening on the web etc. Take care.
I think your right the hundredth monkey will awaken. Personally I think there running scared knowing humanity is coming together. Next year in the beginning September possibly in Yorkshire I am making a change more info to come soon in post! 💯🐒
I've followed you so looking forward to what it ever it might be.
Nice work I'm am just working on venues currently and then I will start leaking bit slowly 💯🐒