
I surf a lot of YouTube videos. Most of the YouTube creators also have SteemIt accounts.

For news on YouTube, I subscribe to:
X22 Report -- economic and geopolitical news (you have to apply critical thinking here)
JSNIP4 -- Joe reads articles from various sources and provides crypto-news too.
Crypt0 -- Reads cryto-news
Bix Wier's Road-to-Roota -- Typically a business slant on the news (critical thinking required)
The Money GPS -- excellent source for business articles
Danielle DiMartino Boothe -- former FED insider, great perspective on inner workings of the FED
H. A. Goodman -- he is on the other side of the political perspective from myself, but he does provide a decent perspective
The Blaze -- General news, subscription required for full programs
Gregory Mannarino -- Straight forward business talk on the stock market
SuspiciousObservers -- Weather, solar, earthquake, and volcanic activity (feeds the science geek in me)
The Cryptoverse -- Crypto-news and commentary

There are a few more I am probably missing. I don't miss cableTV at all (and it saved me about $100 a month).

Steem on,

Thank you very much Mike. We have a lot of common taste. This list is well appreciated. On with the Steem.