Stranger things: Theories you probably did not know! ... What if there is a dimension lower than that of the Demogorgon?

in #news7 years ago (edited)


We have images of Stranger things 2 e, there are a few trailers and many statements from the actors, but the reality is that we do not know much about the plots of the second season of this Netflix phenomenon. How did the mystery of the brothers work before their time?

If on Tuesday we remember the moment in which we had stayed, that in 19 months we could have forgotten the loose ends, now it is time to enter the field of theories for the most anxious, those who need to guess where the shots of these eight new episodes that the platform opens this Friday, October 27. Soon we will know if the fans have been ahead of the creators' plans.


1 . Eleven and the Demogorgon are the same person

"The portal ... I opened it. I am the monster, "Eleven said during a conversation with Mike. What would seem a kind mea culpa, that of the victim who regrets that other people suffer the consequences of their bad luck, could be a clue to a terrible reality: that Eleven and the monster of Upside Down are the same thing, a detail that it gained strength at the end of the season, when the girl disappeared at the same time that she eliminated the so-called Demogorgon.


This theory of the portal Uproxx is sustained in one of the hundreds of references of Stranger things, the comic X-Men 134, where a character with telekinetic powers had to face his darker side. But, well, it is hard to imagine a version of the series where Eleven is only evil, although a metaphorical development could be taking place.

2 . There is still a reality worse than that of Demogorgon.

What if the so-called Upside Down is a kind of limbo between two worlds, that of the Hawkins boys and one much, much worse?
There are fans who raise the following situation. What if the so-called Upside Down is a kind of limbo between two worlds, that of the Hawkins boys and one much, much worse? The indications of this theory come from the promo of the second season where a huge monster surrounded by a red cloud is observed. The Upside Down usually poses a dark reality, a black world, and that red passion and terror hints at another universe potentially more bloody.

This theory has many possibilities to come true for a reason that goes beyond the red cloud of the poster. At the moment, Stranger things has broadcast a season and the Duffer brothers have already advanced that they want to shoot a total of four, without it becoming an anthology series, always developing the same characters and plots. An even more terrifying dimension would give a lot of game, more than anything that the Upside Down after all only had a monster.

3 . The Demogorgon is ... the mother of Eleven

Do you remember that moment when you thought that you would meet the wonderful mother of Once and you found yourself being destroyed by the disappearance of your daughter, victim of the experiments of Dr. Brenner's laboratory? Well, from the Youtube channel The planet Calvino proposes a theory of those that capture your attention: that the woman in the more or less vegetative state in the sea The Demogorgon.


The hypothesis is the following. The woman is in that state because she was also a victim of Dr. Brenner's experiments and also ended up inside the hatch as a visitor to the parallel dimension. A part of his consciousness remained in the Upside Down to develop into the monster that we have so present during the time it took Eleven to enter that universe. Solving the Demogorgon problem, therefore, could be a way to recover your mother.

4 . The new monster is the Thessalhydra

Dustin, Mike and Lucas were inspired by Dragons and Dungeons to baptize the fearsome creature that had captured Will in another dimension and the parallels with the role play may not have ended there. One of the theories that Time magazine contemplates is that the new monster, the one that the cast anticipates that is even more disturbing, is a kind of Thessalhydra, another creature of Dragons and dungeons.

The evidence would come from the declarations of the actors and the drawings made by Will, which fit perfectly with this monster with eight heads and with a body typical of a reptile. By the way, another theory is that Will's drawings are, unconsciously, a way to guide his friends while he is affected by his experience in Upside Down (and vomits larvae through his mouth).

5 . Halloween pumpkins are monster eggs


We know for certain that Will vomits rare larvae. It could be a nice form of the Demogorgon to spread the darkness of the other dimension in the town of Hawkins. But what would be more twisted than using Halloween pumpkins to make these horrifying creatures? There have been too many promos with cabalazas to think that they only use them because it opens near the popular party.

6 . Jim Hopper's daughter is not dead

Chief Hopper was a little frustrating at the beginning of Stranger things. On the one hand, he denied that he felt any interest in the impossible information provided by Joyce Byers about the disappearance of his son but something inside told him that he should ignore those clues. But we soon discovered that he had his own inner ghosts: the death of his daughter in the hands of cancer. This story was a wonderful way to develop the character of Hopper, which we could understand and from which we knew how to relate his desire to save Will and Eleven with the helplessness of not having been able to save his own daughter. But would not it be very televised to connect this trauma with the history that concerns us? One way would be to discover that the lab had experimented with poor Sara.

7 . The Upside Down is the future. Or Eleven. Or Will.


And, while it has always been assumed that the Upside Down was another dimension, a parallel universe, there is a user of Reddit that raises what could be the town of Hawkins in the future, after Eleven has broken the space-time with his skills . But there are also those who predict that this universe is in Eleven's head, and one must maintain that Upside Down is inside Will. There is something for everyone, go.

I'm a big fan of the series and I can not wait to see all the surprises that await us in the third season, how many of these theories believe are true, which do you think may still be valid?