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RE: The truth about truthers

in #news7 years ago

I reckon Alex Jones would make a great road rage candidate, love to see him drivin and someone cuts him off.
I dont mind him , at least hes out there screaming for Freedom and talks about the destruction of the NWO that we all know exists, just ask GB senior.


Not really NWO, he calls them globalists.

Ok ... and glabal warming is now climate change...

AJ is controlled opposition he's been caught too many times fear mongoring and liing. Redistribution of other peoples reports and adding your own spin can in no way be considered the truth specialy when being a snake oil salesmen. Which beggs the question : " who is writing those reports taken from other people, can they be trusted and who stands to benefit from them. Any truther who is anyway connected to royalties is not in it for the truth because the truth is NOT for sale. Much like paranormal investigation, don't get involved if your not prepared for what your getting yourself into. If you can not afford to share the truth or proof of the facts out of your own pocket you have no right getting involved.

The trouble with the truth movement is that anybody that has a conflicting opinion is called a shill.
If someone like AJ reports information from another scource , does that make him controlled opposition.
Should people only report from their own investigations? I would argue that the information would be rather limited. People are entitled to be wrong or human. Every comentator has the right to present in their own style. Does someone have the right to make a living doing what they believe in ? Of course they do. Most of the anti establishment broadcasters make royalties from many avenues often to fund their operation and get their truth out.
If Jesus returned tomorrow he would be strung up again and the cheers from the peanut gallery would be shouting shill.
People like AJ are responsible for the spark that start many people on their journey for truth.
I would also argue the many decent honest truth seekers started their journey by hearing people like AJ before moving on to other avenues.
I would love to have the money and time to travel around with a bullhorn shouting down bilderbergers and other globalists but I dont have the income or royalties to pay for such an excercise. And I wouldnt be prepared for the people coming out of the woodwork calling me a shill.

Controlled opposition/shill talk without evidence = byebye credibility.