Tips to make your search on the Internet faster.

in #news6 years ago


The Internet has too much information and it is important to know how to search quickly and efficiently on the internet to optimize time especially when you are preparing a thesis, reports, research work for your school or work. It also helps you to search videos, series or any type of information.

We present you the
5 tips that I have used the most to find information in less time:

1) Search by exact phrase:

When we want the exact words to be found in the results, we must place them in parentheses.

"Export Credit Insurance"

In the following image we see that looking without quotes, it shows us 86200 in which it does not assure us that they have all the search words.

However, by placing quotation marks, the results are reduced by being more accurate and containing the entire phrase that has been entered.

2) Search by file type:
If we want a certain type of file to be shown, we must start with filetype: (Name of the file extension).

The most used names of extension type:

PDF: pdf
Word: doc
Excel: xls
Power Point: ppt

filetype: doc technology tips

3) Search by date:

Sometimes we are asked to search only articles that are from the last 5 years (thesis or works), for this Google allows you to perform this type of search, for this:

Go to tools

Select "From any date"

Select the option that interests you the most, in the example a personalized interval search is carried out.

Later, you can sort by relevance or dates.

4) Advanced search

Google allows you to perform many additional filters to those shown so you can customize the search. For it:

Go to Preferences

Select Advanced Search

Select and / or write in the filters shown according to the query to be made. On the right side of each filter is its explanation.

For example, if we want to search all the information in a certain website and only show in PFD, we simply enter the website in said filter "site or domain" and select "Adobe Acrobat PDF" in the drop-down list "file type" .

5) Open several tabs quickly:

One of the most useful tips after looking for information is to view it in several tabs quickly, usually, for each result you would have to right click and open in a new tab. However, just press the scroll (mouse ball) and the link will automatically open in a new tab.

Fuente :

Greetings friends here I leave this information hopefully serve these tips and take them from a source as the panorama newspaper thank you.



Buen post te felicito.