Palestine, Israel and an end that is far away

in #news7 years ago

Palestine, Israel and an end that is far away

From the Ottoman Empire to our days, the Western powers (USA, United Kingdom and France) have taken a warlike stance before the Muslim people. This empire, which was dissolved in 1922 due to its defeat in the Second World War, gave rise to several countries (Iraq, Mesopotamia, Transjordan, Palestine and Turkey).

All these nations were colonies of the victor countries of the war, however, years before, specifically 1881, was born in the United Kingdom "Zionism" which is literally:

"Jewish political movement defending the independent Israeli state in Palestinian territory".

Theodor Herzl, a journalist of Jewish origin originated this movement, later on November 2, 1917 his efforts were successful ... James Balfour, who at that time was playing the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, announced his support for the establishment of a "national home" for the Jewish people in the region of Palestine, which at that time was part of the Ottoman Empire. This historical statement was addressed to Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, a leader of the Jewish community in Britain.

It is curious that the letter was addressed to the leader of the most powerful family on the planet, who has financed wars and conflicts for centuries in order to benefit economically and implement a feudalism, where the majority of the population lives in poverty and kneels before your boss to only receive crumbs from your hard work.

Returning to the topic ... In 1948 the State of Israel is founded in Palestinian territory, Muslims and Jews have to live together, but extremism on both sides gives rise to a war that still continues to this day. In 1949 Israel and Palestine came into conflict and the Israeli people emerged victorious, in 1956 there was another confrontation this time, Palestine had the support of the Arab League, but they were still defeated and in 1967 (6 days war) Israel emerged victorious . In 1973 (Yom Kippur War) the Arab League and Palestine are defeated again.

This of a non-Muslim state in the middle east, did not please the Arabs, who carried out terrorist attacks on several cities, which ended the lives of civilians, however, they did not win the war.

Faced with the great loss of life and territory, Palestine signed the Oslo accords in 1993 with Israel, with the aim of ending the war and achieving peace between the two nations.

In 2014, Israel bombed Palestinian cities in the Gaza Strip, following Operation "Protective Edge" and left 2310 dead and 110,626 Palestinians injured, most of them civilians.

Both nations have to stop extremism and agree, the war has ended many lives and it is time to end the genocide. Although the plans of the great powers are wars that provide economic benefits (oil, precious metals, diamonds) peace is the best solution.

NOTE: The content is original, the source of the images is:

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It's hard to judge. USSA started this war and this hate between islamic people. It's all a plot promoted by the governments for years. Poor civilians :(

You're right, the ones that always get hurt are civilians. Thank you for read this post

Excelente pots. Voto por vos. Te dejo este vídeo para que lo disfrutes.

Excelente video, gracias