Thanks for sharing this very interesting news with us. I'm curious what will be made public from this documents. The time is long overdue for a real clarification about the 911 attacks. Rumors until now even suggest the detonation of an atomic bomb 70meters below the towers.
All that sounds quite strange but to imagine the power that it would require to let the towers implode into dust is quite scary.
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The atomic detonation idea is possible, yes - but it's important to delineate between an atomic demolition device and an atomic bomb, as the latter wouldn't work as far as I know.
Atomic bombs are a con job that has persisted for 73 years - they are as fake as the moon landing, and don't exist. They are a license to print money and create fear. Possibly the greatest con of all time
The three towers were brought down with explosives - possibly with directed energy weapons as well, but primarily explosives.
Wow you are a fucking moron
There is a publication that explains in detail how a nuclear demolition device works. It also explains all the effects that could be seen during the collapse of the buildings.
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