Documentary exposing the truth about Islam.

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Shows Muslims face death from their own family for leaving their religion.

Islam is a religion of war, not peace.


There are secret organisations who exist solely to help people escape Islam (and other oppressive faiths like Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, Mormons). People who are too afraid to say no and get ostracized for the rest of their lives and yes, in some countries death is a very real threat. The kind of countries that stone people to death for being rape victims, throw acid on women, practice "honor killing" and chuck suspected homosexuals off buildings. Even countries like Saudi Arabi are executing atheists or those who commit apostasy.

Yup, there's an awful lot of hate in this world and a huge amount of it is closely guarded by a bunch of narrow minded religious zealots who claim, ironically, to have a direct line to God and what is "right".

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I think everyone can be pro something they don't know the true consequences of or alternatives to. Take actual slavery. Or wage slavery. Or slavery to the cult of personality. Or slavery to any religion. By that measure, to use your own tactics - Republicans / Conservatives are pro slavery and don't even know it.

Most of all you've just got to wake up and get yourself out of the matrix - getting out of your environment, out of your comfort zone, traveling, living somewhere else, talking to other people who are not the same as you... These are all things many, many Americans (especially) just don't do.

And I'll give your OP an up-vote simply for thinking different and daring to say it. I loved Christopher Hitchens even though I sometimes strongly disagreed with him. He made me think, challenge my own views and when he was on my side he was a formidable ally. Contrarian thinkers who challenge the status-quo with well considered arguments and facts (as opposed to demagoguery, FUD, nonsense and alternative-facts) are to be highly valued IMO.