The world's largest 'death' is Oman's Gulf

in #news6 years ago

Researchers have found a huge 'death profile' in the Gulf of Oman Which is more than Scotland! Researchers claim that it is the world's largest 'death certificate'.

Researchers say that no animal survives in the vast ocean floor of Oman. Although part of the Arabian Sea is relatively small before the place, it is gradually expanding. The findings from researchers at the University of East Anglia (EEA) in London have emerged. The University of Kabul, the Sultan of Oman, cooperated with their research. There was no research on the area due to the regional forces' dispute over the ownership of the pirate and the sea.

NDTV reported that researchers published a report on Friday. It is said in the report that the roughly oxygenated area of the Gulf of Oman is larger than Scotland; That is, the area of the area more than 78 thousand square kilometers! Which is increasing day by day. The researchers sent robots into the region and found that the amount of oxygen was very low. For this reason, no fish or animal species can survive there.

The researchers used the name Siglider's robot to collect information from that region. This robot can go up to a thousand meters deep in water. This robot has high-powered computers. Which is quite efficient in data analysis. Researchers say that there is a place where there is no oxygen available in the dead body.

Researchers say, "Environmental disasters are not just a threat to marine biodiversity. There is also a threat to life-sustaining communities on the sea there. "And as the researchers thought, the level of environmental disaster in that area was worse than that.

BBasantiQuiz, a teacher of the School of Environmental Sciences of the UK's researcher's team, said: "This area of ​the Gulf of Oman is the world's largest mortality. Climate change is responsible for this. In any sea of ​​the world, oxygen is less than 200 to 800 meters. But the amount of oxygen is less in this depth of death. "Quiz said, oxygen needed to live for fish, marine plants or any other organism. In the absence of this oxygen, they can not live in that area. This is a terrible environmental disaster, the consequences of which people will also suffer.