DNA altering 'vaccines' that will literally and actually turn human beings into GMOs.
Remember the lawsuit where Monsanto said that they now owned your organic food crop because your crop got got cross pollinated with their genetics, and they WON!
I'm meanbees and I OWN MYSELF!
If you are vaccinated with DNA altering injections, you will be the property of the patent owners. You will no longer be a sovereign human being.
"They" don't see us as sovereign right now, that's the problem.
In fact "they" get super upset at anyone who claims to be sovereign and fight or kill anyone who tries to actually be sovereign.
I just can't help but to see the similarities between the current problem/reaction/solution and the business practices of Microsoft over the last 35 years.
The taking away of options and forcing people in a direction is something Microsoft was and still is very good at.
And the "I own you, Click next to continue." Licensing agreement everyone clicks without reading...?
"They" think they already own us. And unfortunately they will get a lot of people to go along with them.
I just hope those other people LET me be sovereign.
I have long advocated that folks take up means of production that technology now is producing that enable us to manufacture the blessings of civilization without contributing to the flow of our wealth to the vampiric overlords parasitizing society.
Doing so is the actual attainment of freedom. Wealth is independent means. Freedom is wealth.
2020 is the desperation of banksters to retain their parasitic power and wealth in the face of advancing technology that distributes the means of production inexorably and absolutely ends centralization, and the parasitism it comes with.
All that is necessary to end oppression is to no longer depend on centralization. It is also the only means of being competent to rule yourself. Armed revolution, as what is presently going on in Seattle will shortly prove, cannot create either the competence nor the means to rule.
Rapping is a symptom of dependence, not a skillset or tool that produces the blessings of civilization, and Raz will soon grasp that reality - as will all observers. The vampires that ordered the Seattly police to abandon Capitol Hill to the mob didn't do so out of fear or stupidity.
They did so to reveal to observers of what is about to happen that only obedience to overlords produces those blessings of civilization. It will not be possible after people have adopted the means of manufacturing their own goods and services, which are not presently available on Capitol Hill, but will be before the decade is out.
Then, overlords will be obsolete, and people will just ignore them until they go away.
THAT is why I'm so excited about the decentralized Blockchain and crypto.
With this one tool we can TAKE BACK sooooooo much control from the parasites but the people don't seem to see that yet. Not even the harder core crypto bugs.
This tech isn't just about Money...