All patriotic Americans need to start taking notes and names about the public figures that are enraged that illegals coming to our southern border are not being "treated fairly" enough. When they do this, they are clearly displaying for all the world that they have no allegiance to America, to the rule of law, to national borders, or to sanity. So many leftist nut jobs are outing themselves for the globalist whack jobs they truly are with their speeches and statements of the past few days. If these people don't want to see families temporarily separated, they should be advising them NOT TO DO ILLEGAL THINGS rather than complaining about those who are interdicting their illegality.
While claiming to be "the compassionate ones" they clearly show ZERO compassion for all the Americans who are being harmed in so many different ways by these illegals. Many Americans are having their jobs undermined (or taken,) their taxes increased to pay for the benefits of illegal aliens (in some cases, even driving elderly from their homes as a result,) and; then there are those who have lost their lives or their loved ones to MS-13 gang members and other thugs coming in with the very few legitimate asylum seekers. Where is the "compassion" for the American people, and for those who do live by the "rule of law" they claim to care about but constantly undermine?
I AM ENRAGED that these liberal/left globalists are getting so much air time on our liberal/left globalist news networks as though their statements were some how legitimate or rational. There is nothing sane about demanding that we do away with national borders and give over all of our freedoms to an inevitably totalitarian and anti-human world government. In fact, lets call it what it is...TREASON!!
The latest and boldest offender is the liberal (probably lesbian) nut job Sonia Sotomayor (who is manifestly unfit to serve on the Supreme Court) with her tirade against the majority of her colleagues who decided the President does have the right to limit immigration for the benefit of the nation's security. Here is an article about her twenty-minute screed against national sovereignty and nationalist self-protection and sanity:
The article reminds us of this La Raza radical's past statements about her supposed legitimacy as a Supreme Court Justice:
"In 2001, Sotomayor made a racist statement about being a “wise Latina” while bashing white males:
'I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,'
Take a seat, Sotomayor, your fellow wise Justice’s have spoken."
She seems to think that checking immigration so that those coming here are assimilable and want to be part of all those things that have always made America great is somehow racist, yet she has no problem allowing Americans to pay the freight for illegals, and/or bringing in people bent on killing her fellow Americans. People like Sotomayor are serious threats to our national security, IMHO, and need to be arrested and detained until we can figure out if they themselves are safe to have here, or whether they should be deported along with the dangerous illegals they so desperately support.
Nobody wants to see children separated from their parents, but that rhetorical gimmickry is an obvious smokescreen being used by these globalists for clouding the real issue here. If they really cared about the children, they would not be advising or enabling the illegals to keep coming to the border (including the child-risking journey across deserts and hoodlum-controlled sections of northern Mexico) when American parents are having their children ripped from them for far less by C.P.S. every day. It is clear that the real agenda is not anything about the risks to children the illegals actions' engender, but merely about flooding the nation with radical minorities who know and care nothing about American values and the rule of law.
The Democrats who associate with the open-borders crowd are making a huge political error, and unless the voting machines are fully rigged and the dead continue to vote in large numbers, they are bound to pay a huge price for their treason and stupidity come November and beyond.
The next time you hear a liberal/leftist globot talking about how turning back illegals is somehow "un-America" or against American traditions, remind them that ILLEGAL immigration has always been treated, historically, even worse than what families (and fake families) face at the border now. Remind them that immigration is not the same thing as illegal border-jumping, and see if you get more than a blank stare from their low-information countenances.
In the context of your post which is talking about people crossing the Mexican/USA border, almost all of those people are Mexicans or Central Americans, including some South Americans.
My ex-husband was from El Salvador and came to Canada as a refugee when he was 15-years-old. We were married 8 years. I also lived in El Salvador for 9 months.
I would not at all call El Salvadoreans or Mexicans 'radicals' that care nothing about American values.
The people in El Salvador were mostly nice people that treated me well.
I ended up divorcing my husband because of his adultery, and the idea that it's generally okay for men to cheat is the worst thing that I can say about their culture. Having said that, not all the men are like that down there, and on the other hand a lot of American/ Canadian men behave the same way.
Anyways, I can agree with much of your post. A country is allowed to enforce it's immigration policies. I know that Canada has been a Lot TOUGHER enforcing it's immigration laws than the USA has been over the last while. An illegal basically can not survive here because nobody will give them work and they can't open bank accounts -- there is no way to survive if you are not in Canada legally.
But as far as the type of immigrants that can benefit a society when it is done properly, I would say that the Central/South American people are pretty good and I have several good friends in Canada from El Salvador who are contributing in a very positive way to our society.
An additional thought --
Like I said in Canada it has always been CLEAR that being in the country without the proper paperwork, or making a valid refugee claim is not allowed. You can't work or go to school or participate in almost anything without being here legally.
In the USA though for years and years it seems to me that it has been easy to enter the country AND to stay in the country and work and participate in society almost with the same benefits that every other American has. I have heard that America can't really survive without all the farm workers that come across the border to work for cheap in the fields, as Americans don't want those jobs.
So -- American has been sending signals for years that it's okay to come here with no immigration paperwork and participate in society in almost every way. It seems to me that it will take people a while to get used to the idea that NOW they are being treated as criminals. Yes, a criminal can expect to have their children removed, but that has never been the case in the USA until very recently and the message may have not got through to many people yet.
I guess what I am saying is that America only has itself to blame for the situation that it has gotten itself into. It will not be an immediate quick fix to inform the world that things have changed and they are now upholding border policies that almost every other nation has already been doing for decades.
I always thought that this meme was funny, when during the election Americans started saying that they would move to Canada if Trump was elected.
You also have to be a fan of Red Green, know how to pronounce DRAMA correctly, and be all about hockey night!
How like an American to choose Red Green as the pinnacle of Canadian comedy completely ignoring how we have invaded and subjugated the American comedy scene. ;]- @openparadigm
LOL...I absolutely LOVE Red Green!...especially Harold....
I love this meme and can't wait to share it.
It really is not an assertion, Americans can have food in their homes because 80% of the work in the fields is done by illegal immigrants, they are jobs that nobody wants to do, poorly paid and that deserve too many hours a day. It is absurd as you can say that an immigrant takes jobs away from an American when the jobs they take can not be in recognized organizations, most work cleaning houses, hotels, washing dishes, washing cars, taking care of children, picking fruits, demolishing houses with hammers, they are jobs that nobody who does not need the money would do. Many of those people with these jobs are engineers, doctors, teachers. The regulations should not go the way of separating families, they are human beings and have rights, nobody escapes from their country or puts themselves at risk because of appetite
Yes, we have had globalist traitors running our immigration policies for a long time. It's a shame the American people have had to pay the price for it.
Way to right about that. We have no one to blame. In a way it also makes us complicit in the crimes being committed.
I would never and did not "at all call El Salvadoreans or Mexicans 'radicals' that care nothing about American values." I was actually thinking about jihadists from the small radical Islamic communities that were the subject of today's Supreme Court decision anyway.
I know there are many fine Christian people in Central America who share many American values.
"But as far as the type of immigrants that can benefit a society when it is done properly, I would say that the Central/South American people are pretty good and I have several good friends in Canada from El Salvador who are contributing in a very positive way to our society."
I wish that people would travel more and find out how fictitious our prejudices and biases are. The truth is that everyone has value and people are people no matter where they come from, and travel is how I know this to be true. Border's are not about creating racism, bias or prejudice. They are about creating liberty and freedom in a round about way.
We have established through our tradition and culture how we want to live together and this is so in all cultures. In order for people to have the liberty and freedom to have the traditions and cultures of their choice we need borders that delineate between the traditions and culture. Sadly many people go to far with the idea and manifest racism, bigotry and bias, instead of islands of choice.
All living beings have valuable contribution they can make to a society. Thus the question is not where are they from, but have they decided to be of this society rather than where they are from. It has been my experience that many immigrants actually contribute more to a society than the original inhabitants. In all cases that I am aware of they also had decided to. How we know this to be the case in each case is how they decide to come here. Is it through lawful means or through artifice.
The only thing I don't agree with is using the word insane to describe what they are doing. Such could be used to get out of being responsible for there actions. Instead it would better serve the rule of law if we describe their activity as criminal, with the intent to appear insane.
Point taken, my friend.
The United States of America cannot support all of these people. By continuing to allow illegals to come here unregistered, no legal status, without a social security number and send the money they make under the table, back home to their loved ones while we pay for the education, health care and welfare of these individuals. No other country would allow this.
We have seen a greater increase in homelessness of American citizens. The poverty level grows wider. When we cannot afford to support our own, which is what we are meant to do first and foremost. How can we even entertain taking in more people?
Take the legal route. There are always exceptions with countries that have been destabilized. ie : Nicaragua, Venezuala, etc.
I am not saying people wanting to come here aren’t nice or deserving, however, there is no reason other countries cannot have what we have. They just have to want it as badly as our ancestors did when they were willing to risk their lives and fight for the establishment of the USA.
Great post. 🐓🐓
...and great reply!
Relevance: Immigration
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
It seems the Left wing of the Democratic party is more concerned about the people outside America's border than the citizens inside America's borders.
But, in reality this is more of a political ploy on the part of the DNC than it is any real concern for immigrants. The DNCs only policy is to destroy Donald Trump... and they don't seem to care if they damage America in their drive to that end.
For me though I don't believe government owns all the land inside its borders so If someone owns land at the edge of the country they should be able to decide who comes on their land.
Sure. If they would just stay there. NONE DO, though.
If who would stay where?
Currently in my country of origin people are leaving because the salary does not allow them to live with dignity, I put it in this way 1 $ monthly (qualified personnel with professions), I am a clinical psychologist and I do not exercise because my monthly salary would be 2 $, when a milk costs $ 1 that like other days? How do I pay for home, transportation, clothes, medicines? it is impossible. I am not a bad person, in fact I was a university professor, I am a clinical psychologist and I have a master's degree in human talent management, my idea of leaving this country is through an NGO since my current income does not allow me to go to NO place paying for all my expenses, I am not delinquent nor I want to live on the taxes of the citizens of the country to which I come, I simply need humanitarian aid and in exchange I will provide all my knowledge to the NGOs.
The powers that be globally want all of us living at their total whim and fully dependent upon them. It is a critical situation, and a horrible situation. I hope that you have success in finding a better place to be. I have sent you some little money as I could afford.
I hope so, the truth is that there is my faith, leaving a country without money is not easy friend. Every day of my life I wonder what will become of me if I stay here without being able to eat, but if I go out I'm going to do. Thanks for your help, can I reward you with something?
Your thanks is all I need. But I do have questions about some claims you made in a post on your blog. If you could answer those, I would appreciate it.
YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME BACK PATRIOT I do political cartoons on this subject many many times.
Done. Thanks man. Sorry for the delay. Been away for an early "4th" celebration with the kids.