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RE: Tornado Day In Alabama

in #news7 years ago

Always good to warn people just in case. I'm definitely going to be glued to my phone/tv all day tomorrow keeping up with the models as they come in.

A lot of people get upset when they predict this kind of weather and it's not as bad, but they don't know how incredibly small the margins are in severe weather. Spann and our local meteorologist always do a great job with severe weather.

This may be my topic for tomorrow!


Do you have a game plan if the cone of uncertainty is targeting you as a bullseye?

My particular apartment building's bottom floor is partially underground, and there is a public laundry room that's open to everyone in the building that's essentially entirely underground. I imagine we'd go there if we needed to.

Thats awesome! We have a second floor apartment with a wing shaped roof. We just put on our helmets on and pray. If we see an f5 coming from Tuscaloosa we will hop in the car and go to the WMU. They have a huge basement.