Here are today's exclusive articles straight from MintPress News focused on topics and angles you won’t see anywhere in the corporate media.

Hunger Striking Protesters Condemn Trump, Haspel, and Call for Gitmo’s Closure on its 17th Anniversary
“What we’ll do every day is demand that the evil that’s committed in our name by the evil that’s living in that White House is held accountable to all the immorality that continues to perpetuate under American empire.” — Aliya Hana Hussain of the Center for Constitutional Rights
Alexander Rubinstein

Hoping for Control Over its Oil, Saudi Arabia Is Trying to Hijack Yemen’s Parliament
Saudi Arabia hopes the move, which will see a separate Saudi-backed Yemeni parliament meeting in Aden or in Saudi Arabia in early 2019, will force a moratorium on Yemen’s domestic energy development, as the Saudis hope to secure control of Yemen’s substantial oil reserves for themselves.
Ahmed Abdulkareem

Bolton’s Radical Reshaping Plan for Mideast Included “Mind Boggling” Strikes on Iran, Syria, and Iraq
Bolton’s willingness to bring Syria and Iraq into the fray along with Iran betrays the fact that he is not just seeking regime change in individual countries but seeking to remake the Middle East as a whole.
Whitney Webb