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RE: More Big Brother: National I.D. Act

in #news7 years ago

Where the current Constitutional crisis lies is another subject for another post. I only hope the current administration will deal with it properly. I'll try to stay on topic here and address just the national ID card.

We already have a national I.D., evidently it's called a passport. Banks here in the DC area have tried to require it of me as a second form of ID (maybe because of our heavy illegal invader population?). When I show my Federal work ID they refuse it. It will get me into classified Government facilities way above my head or social standing, but I can't use it to cash a check drawn on that bank.

People are searching for an answer in the wrong place. I'm against the Federal ID and also against using the passport in everyday transactions. We need to crack down on illegals and their sympathizers. We need to do it now, while we still have a United States and while we still have a country at all. Unfortunately, this includes the "dreamers" and any other "pretenders" we have in the country. When a city or a state declares itself a sanctuary anything it has seceded. When an individual no longer supports or recognizes Federal authority they have seceded. All need to be dealt with as such.

I am as skeptical as the next of you, as we all must be, when dealing with our Government by the very definition of Citizen or Citizenship. Each of us must pressure our Legislators to look in the right area and ignore false solutions. Look to enforce our laws already on the books against those who would come here without a by your leave or acknowledging our laws. Let the Legislators know not to waste their time and effort enforcing ever more Draconian laws on the law abiding mass of Citizens.

I will sign the petition and hope the new measures dies aborning due to a Legislature that has caste it's eye's in a legitimate direction. For the time being it is what we must do. Their will be time enough for other measures later.


Good point.

Thanks. Turn around is the only fair play there is for Steemians. So I'll up-vote your comment.