Two big investors of Apple ask for a plan against the addiction of children to mobile

in #news7 years ago


Two of Apple's biggest investors , Jana Partners LLC and the California state teachers' pension fund, CalSTRS, have called in an open letter to the Apple company for the implementation of measures to combat the growing addiction of minors to mobile devices.

These two entities have a sum of 2,000 million dollars in Apple shares but, at the same time, are concerned about the effects of electronic devices and social media on children.

"There is a consensus in the making around the world, including Silicon Valley, that the possible long-term consequences of new technologies have to be valued from the beginning , and no company can delegate that responsibility," the letter said. Several studies are cited on how an intense use of mobile phones and social networks negatively affects the physical and mental health of children.

Examples include the distractions that digital technologies produce in the classroom, a diminished capacity of students to focus on educational tasks, and an increased risk of suicide and depression.

"Apple can play a decisive role in showing the industry that paying special attention to the health and development of the next generation is a good thing for business and also the right action," he adds.

Among the measures proposed to Apple is the creation of an expert committee with specialists in child development , the initiative to offer Apple's abundant information to researchers and the improvement of device software so that parents have more options to protect the health of your children.