Dr. Jim Fetzer updates everyone on The Brian Ruhe Show with new findings on Sandy Hook shooting along with Wolfgang Halbig and James Tracy's court cases.
Dr. Jim Fetzer earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. A former Marine Corps officer, he has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11 and the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone. The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and jamesfetzer.blogspot.com. Dr. Fetzer's false flag books are available at http://moonrockbooks.com. He has also published many articles about Sandy Hook and he also has a free PDF version of his book "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" to be downloaded at
http://noliesradio.org/images/NobodyDiedAtSandyHook.pdf There is no reason now to not educate yourself and learn everything about this Government Capstone Drill. If this does not make your blood boil you might want to check your vitals.
It is amazing and a lot to wrap your mind around the lengths our government has gone through to fool us. It should concern each and everyone of us. The gun control agenda is NOT to make people safe but the opposite. Now, please be advised that this is not the first or only time this has happened. Dr. Fetzer and many researchers have discovered false flags and/or drills in the U.S. with many of the shootings and bombings. Some examples are Sandy Hook, Orlando shooting, the Boston Bombing, Aurora shooting, Charlottesville car stunt, Las Vegas shooting drill, and Parkland shooting school drill.
The government uses private businesses like "Crowds on Demand" to help conduct drill's which go live after they practice. They know there will be a handful of people that will research and discover the truth, so they are not worried the truth will be exposed. They have seen how the average American does little or no research, and will ignorantly parrot what MSM reports, which are lies and propaganda about the drills. They call them "conspiracy theories" and the people who research them crazy, conspiracy theorists, and hoaxers. Let me be loud and clear, the traitors helping the government are the HOAXERS whom everyday continue to lie about the drills. A majority of the masses will then shame the researchers for trying to awake them.
The "fact checker" sites are a complete joke. They have sold their souls to the politicians who have an agenda and the results of their agenda will produce nothing good for anyone, even the people doing the phony "fact checking". Instead of "fact checking" sites they should be called, " Lying R Ass Off" or your money back sites. On a more serious note, before deciding what the TRUTH is go and explore many sites on both sides of the argument. Then look at all the evidence presented and rationally, setting your emotions aside, determine what the TRUTH is. Most of all when someone states that the conspiracy has been debunked, 99% of the time is has not been debunked, so don't fall for it. Check it for yourself. Make sure you continue to look for new information as time goes on so the puzzle pieces of truth can continue to form.
I encourage the honest people in government and crisis actors that have been part of these drills come forward if they have a shred of guilt or remorse for what they are doing, and by continuing to keeping it a secret. The government only has a "see something, say something" policy when it does not involve them. Every department of the government is corrupt so it will take becoming active to undo all the evil that is upon us.
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