Virat Kohli has started life-long career with Anushka Sharma in Italy. Meanwhile, he has questioned his patriotism in India by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Pannalal Sakya. At a function in Madhya Pradesh, he said, "Lord Rama married in India, why did Birama-Anushka marry in Italy? This is not a state. '
Kohinal's anger in the inauguration of 'Skil India Center', Panalal Sakya, 'Kohli earns money in India. But she could not find any place here for marriage! What is indecipherable India? Lord Rama, Krishna, Bikramaditya, Yudhishthira got married on this ground. All of you must be married here. We did not go abroad for marriage ... Kohli earns money here in Italy and he has no respect for the country. This proves that he is not a patriot. '
However, the panchanal is being criticized by the Indian cricket captain about his patriotism. Doing this is the leader of his party himself. For example, BJP leader S. Prakash said, it is not the work of questioning Kohli's patriotism. The advice of him to publish, 'Whoever commented on this, should be paying attention to his own work. Commenting on the patriotism of Kohli or Anushka Sharma does not fall in his work. Where they will marry, it is entirely their personal choice. Who has commented on this, does not have the right to tarnish the image of the party. I hope he will correct himself.
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