Hey dude! I'm still here bro. I hope you and your family can make it out well. One Bolivar is now worth 1 Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC). That's sad. I hope you and your family will be okay brother.
~= moxie =~
Hey dude! I'm still here bro. I hope you and your family can make it out well. One Bolivar is now worth 1 Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC). That's sad. I hope you and your family will be okay brother.
~= moxie =~
Currently I had a good time outside the network but I have returned but not so much now I have 3 months without internet service since the only company is the state and that does not work and does not fix the failure, well we are still good, but economically pretty bad and now with these new economic measures we are in chaos waiting for it to happen!