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RE: It's Racist to defend "the West"?

in #news8 years ago

I used to be just like you...very left wing. Now...I am no longer loyal to ANY party. I'm a libertarian. The last 5 years of Democrats have woken me up. They area complete joke now. The establishment DNC & GOP are dinosaurs and we will replace them.


Said I'm left wing, not loyal to a party. I'm mostly non-partisan. I have my views, and they happen to land in the libertarian-left quadrant of the political compass. Most parties are pretty totalitarian, as is the nature of a political party I guess.

I'm Canadian myself, tend to vote green since that's who I agree with most. I've never had much respect for the Democrats or Republicans in the US though, that whole system has been a joke for just about as long as I've been alive.

Right on! I am open to any candidate that doesn't restrict freedom, & does not take giant corporate handouts.

Exactly. Those are my litmus tests too.

Where I tend to differ from what one normally sees as "Libertarian" is that I believe unregulated businesses, as espoused in the libertarian ideals of a Free Market, will become oppressors of their employees and the communities they're expected to serve.

I feel a government should eradicate any law that restricts any personal freedom that doesn't infringe on the freedom or safety of others, while having strict regulations on businesses in relation to monopoly laws, employee well-being and market manipulation.