TV reporter gets puked on during Live Broadcast!

in #news8 years ago

In today's rant, drunk assholes. I can't count the # of times I've had to leave a place because I thought I might literally destroy a person who's so drunk, obnoxious, & annoying. Sorry, but I'd rather hang out with potheads. We can chill, talk about conspiracies, eat snacks, play video games, or watch movies. Or if they're really cool, we might play music. Or we could even make sumpin tasty to eat with cannabis butter! Like some sugar cookies!

If I drink with you, there's a good chance you're gonna be an angry drunk, a depressing drunk, a violent drunk, or hell even a suicidal drunk.

Enter stage left…the infamous drunk on Hermosa Beach (which I did live in at one point in time). Hey note to local news stations…don't cover live events if you don't wanna get puked on.

"Hey Tom! Get Wendy a poncho! STAT!"

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