Do you need to run away from your wife? Apparently jail is a viable option…

in #news9 years ago

A guy from Kansas robbed a bank, then patiently awaited the police to arrive. He was arrested without any resistance and he freely admitted his crime.

Why did he do this?
He said he could no longer tolerate his wife. Apparently jail time will be like free vacations for him.

Ok, while this may sound funny many of us can probably relate as our families can be downright unnerving… But let’s be honest, would you have the moral fiber to wait for the police and give back the money if you had already gone through the trouble of successfully robbing a bank?

And no, this isn’t an april fools joke. The story is on world wide news.


We had a heap of renovations done a few years ago, everyone had a story how they had remodeled the White House and done custom work for the Vanderbilt's etc. They all turned out to be retards...

Not intellectually challenged or physically handicapped but average people just to stupid to apply common sense. The guys deciding to jack hammer inside the house without any protective gear over the walls or furniture; etc . . .

Then we found our handyman, he was a chain smoking tardy unreliable awesome handyman. He did work that a custom craftsman could not match, but he moved slower than Congress, but he did quality work at a fair price.

Then . . . His neighbor says, " come for a drive "; in the car park, his neighbor says " pass this to the guy at the window ". Then the undercover cop says ' you're under arrest ' . . .

So the police do a deal they will drop most of the charges if he will buy and sell drug operations for them. Sting operations to net other drug dealers, they are unhappy he cannot inform on dealers he does not know.

A few months in jail might help his memory; finally off to the half way house. We get our handyman back complete with his ankle monitor. Good work is done will one we ring his cell phone; no answer . . .

Soon the phone rings, it is the government asking if we know where their confidential informant is hiding. Our awesome handyman is on the run from the system; and now due to Americans silly draconian laws we have lost our handyman.

Seriously; think about it, its a "no-brainer" question . . . ' Which is more important ? the War On Drugs, or A Quality Handyman ' . . .

The Answer is Simplicity itself : )

/ hugz ; )

big lol XD
Were you able to sell that ankle monitor? (just kidding)

I have no idea if he still had the ankle halter connected : )

We lost a great worker ; (

/ hugz ; )

People do crazy shit to change their current reality. I was flown off a coast guard cutter because i told command i was going to throw an individual off the ship and swim to shore.

i started working 16/7 to change my current reality. Even skipped all meals in a day just to work - to run away. But what you did sounds way cooler :D
As they used to say, that's a great story to tell your grandchildren one day :)

If you find the time to have them ;)
There are always better options the going to jail because of your wife.. you just have to have the strength to endure or "balls" to do something about it.

I myself would await the police, I would not want to involve others as I tried to evade police.

But be assured if i ever want to get arrested I would not traumatize bank employees. I would simply march up to the main gate at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and tell the Gate guards to call the Secret Service and utter threats . . .

Federally this is enough to get me arrest and who the heck wants to go to State prison rather than a Federal prison . . .

After all the class of client is worlds apart : )

/ hugz ; )

Plus if I ever rob a bank ; not that I am morally capable of such a thing , I would NOT give the gold back : )

I wouldn't give the gold back either. I mean if one needs to run away from his wife, why not run to Canary islands and sip margaritas?
mmm... alluring thought XD

lol; yes especially if you have a banks gold : )

/ hugz ; )

Could just Divorce the wife I mean, that's how logical people who have clear understanding of appropriate action for cultivating the appropriate response do it. Even more logical people choose to go into a relationship with both eyes open and not get married to someone who's going to break your "soul" in due time but that's rare still. No I would not give back the money I would go some where warm and retire and not tell my wife or the cops a thing. Moral fiber starts with not robbing the bank to begin with.